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Stale metadata for generator could be used [CORE6464] #2375

Open firebird-automations opened 3 years ago

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Submitted by: @pavel-zotov

Attachments: extpool-and-sequence.bat.7z

Steps to reproduce:

1) open firebird.conf and set ExtConnPoolLifeTime to value about 5...10 (I used 5); restart FB 4.x.

2) unpack batch from attached .7z; open it in editor and adjust following variables:

fbc // path to isql.exe from FB 4.x dbnm // name of temporary database usr // SYSDBA psw // masterkey

This batch will create temporary database and .sql which does:

1) connect to this temp database; 2) run 'RECREATE SEQUENCE g_eds_test;' 3) creates procedure 'sp_increment_sequence' (its name speaks for itself) 4) RECONNECT to database; 5) run procedure 'sp_increment_sequence' with input arg. = 123. 6) check that final value of sequence 'g_eds_test' is 123

Then batch will parse firebird.conf (from !fbc!\ folder) and take value ExtConnPoolLifeTime from there (it must be uncommented, of course).

Finally, it calls just created .sql *three* times, with different interval between second and third: firs interval = (ExtConnPoolLifeTime + 1), second is (ExtConnPoolLifeTime - 1), i.e.:

t0 --> run #⁠1 t1 = return from sql (i.e. finish of run #⁠1)

.... wait for (ExtConnPoolLifeTime + 1) seconds ....

t2 = t1 + (ExtConnPoolLifeTime + 1) seconds --> run #⁠2 t3 = return from sql (i.e. finish of run #⁠2)

.... wait for (ExtConnPoolLifeTime - 1) seconds ....

t4 = t3 + (ExtConnPoolLifeTime - 1) seconds --> run #⁠3

Built-in Windows utility 'timeout' is used for pausesbetween launches of isql.

Here is the content of SQL:

set bail on; set heading off; set list on; connect 'localhost:c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey'; create or alter procedure sp_increment_sequence(a_inc int = null) as begin end;

recreate view v_check as select cast('now' as timestamp) dts, coalesce( q'{YES, '}' || trim(g.rdb$generator_name) || q'{' exists.}', q'{NO, it doesn't}') as "Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? =>" from rdb$database r left join rdb$generators g on upper(g.rdb$generator_name) = upper('g_eds_test'); commit;

select 'point-1' as msg, v.* from v_check v; recreate sequence g_eds_test; commit; select 'point-2' as msg, v.* from v_check v;

select gen_id(g_eds_test, 0) as init_seq_value from rdb$database; commit;

set term #⁠; create or alter procedure sp_increment_sequence(a_inc int = null) returns(gen_value_before_inc int, gen_value_after__inc int) as declare c int; begin gen_value_before_inc = gen_id(g_eds_test,0); c = gen_id( g_eds_test, coalesce(a_inc,1) ); gen_value_after__inc = gen_id(g_eds_test,0); suspend; end


-- #⁠#⁠#⁠ RECONNECT #⁠#⁠#⁠ connect 'localhost:c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey'

select gen_id(g_eds_test, 0) as seq_value_after_reconnect from rdb$database


execute block returns(gen_value_before_inc int, gen_value_after__inc int) as begin execute statement ( 'select gen_value_before_inc, gen_value_after__inc from sp_increment_sequence( ? )' ) ( 123 ) on external 'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','DB_NAME') as user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey' -- role 'A' || replace(lpad('',30,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())),'-','') --------------------------------------------- ::::: NB ::::: into gen_value_before_inc, gen_value_after__inc ; suspend; end

set term ;#⁠

select iif( gen_id(g_eds_test, 0) > 0, 'Expected: ' || gen_id(g_eds_test,0), 'UNEXPECTED >>> ' || gen_id(g_eds_test,0) || ' <<< ?' ) as final_seq_value from rdb$database; commit;

drop procedure sp_increment_sequence; drop sequence g_eds_test; commit;

select 'point-3' as msg, v.* from v_check v; commit;

set list off; set heading off; select '=== bye-bye from SQL ===' from rdb$database;

PLEASE NOTE ON COMMENTED LINE: " -- role 'A' || replace(lpad('',30,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())),'-','') --------------------------------------------- ::::: NB :::::"

Run this batch.

This is result of batch when it runs with ExtConnPoolLifeTime = 5:


MSG point-1 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:04.5180 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

MSG point-2 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:04.5290 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => YES, 'G_EDS_TEST' exists.




FINAL_SEQ_VALUE Expected: 123

MSG point-3 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:05.0920 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

=== bye-bye from SQL ===

Take delay for 6 s, i.e. #⁠#⁠#⁠ GREATER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime. . .

Waiting for 6 seconds, press a key to continue ...5 4 3 2 1 0

Check result after "long delay":

MSG point-1 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:11.5640 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

MSG point-2 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:11.5790 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => YES, 'G_EDS_TEST' exists.




FINAL_SEQ_VALUE Expected: 123

MSG point-3 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:12.1600 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

=== bye-bye from SQL ===

Take delay for 4 s, i.e. #⁠#⁠#⁠ SHORTER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime. . .

Waiting for 4 seconds, press a key to continue ...3 2 1 0

Check result after "short delay":

MSG point-1 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:16.2370 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

MSG point-2 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:16.2560 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => YES, 'G_EDS_TEST' exists.





MSG point-3 DTS 2021-01-07 10:30:16.3380 Does sequence 'g_eds_test' exists ? => NO, it doesn't

=== bye-bye from SQL ===


As you can see, sequence is recreated every time. But its *OLD* value (123) still visible to procedure 'sp_increment_sequence' when it is called via ES/EDS and - most important - time from previous call is less then ExtConnPoolLifeTime.

If we uncomment line "-- role 'A' || replace(lpad('',30,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())),'-','')" and repeat than result is expected:


(using ROLE clause with random value forces EDS mechanism to create totally new connection, AFAIK).

PS. WI-V4.0.0.2307 Firebird 4.0 Release Candidate 1

PPS. UPD, 03.02.21. Changed title after Vlad's request.

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov Attachment: extpool\-and\-sequence\.bat\.7z \[ 13530 \]
firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Commented by: @dyemanov

AFAIU, this has almost nothing to do with EDS and should be reproducible with two regular attachments:

(1) create sequence, set it to 1 (2) select gen_id -- returns 1 (1) recreate sequence, set it to 2 (2) select gen_id -- using the same prepared statement as the first time! -- returns unexpected result

When the statement is prepared, generator name is converted to its internal ID (RDB$GENERATOR_ID) and later all GEN_IDs inside this statement read/write the generator using its ID (for performance reasons). RECREATE SEQUENCE drops the old generator and creates the new one, old ID becomes invalid and all subsequent GEN_IDs using the old ID will return zero (or maybe garbage -- not sure).

EDS just preserves the statement in the prepared state if the interval is less than ExtConnPoolLifeTime, thus showing you the issue.

I think the source of the issue is the lack of existence locks for generators, thus making it possible to drop the generator which is used by prepared statements -- what is usually prohibited for other objects.

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Commented by: @pavel-zotov

> this has almost nothing to do with EDS and should be reproducible with two regular attachments

Yes, it is so (checked on recent 3.x and 4.x):

set bail on; set list on; shell if exist c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb del c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb; create database 'localhost:c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey';


set transaction read committed no wait;

create sequence g; -- "(1) create sequence, set it to 1" select gen_id(g,10) from rdb$database; -- (2) select gen_id -- returns 1

select gen_id(g,0) as initial_seq_value from rdb$database; show sequ g; commit;

set term #⁠; execute block returns(iter smallint, prepared_seq_value int, changed_seq_value int) as declare c int; begin for execute statement 'select row_number()over(), gen_id(g,0) from rdb$types rows 3' into iter, prepared_seq_value do begin execute statement 'recreate sequence g'; execute statement 'select gen_id(g,9) from rdb$database' into changed_seq_value; suspend; end end

set term ;#⁠ commit;

select gen_id(g,0) as final_seq_value from rdb$database; show sequ g;





Generator G, current value: 10, initial value: 1, increment: 1




FINAL_SEQ_VALUE 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< !!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Generator G, current value: 0, initial value: 1, increment: 1

PS. Finally we get 0 (zero). Is this because of:

> old ID becomes invalid and all subsequent GEN_IDs using the old ID will return **zero** ...

-- ?

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Commented by: @dyemanov

Your last test case is wrong because RECREATE SEQUENCE is not committed. And why again EXECUTE BLOCK + EXECUTE STATEMENT ? Two python connections is perfectly enough for the test.

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Commented by: @pavel-zotov

> Your last test case is wrong because RECREATE SEQUENCE is not committed.

But if i use ES / WITH AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION - result is the same as above:

set bail on; set list on; shell if exist c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb del c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb; create database 'localhost:c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey';


set transaction read committed no wait;

create sequence g; -- "(1) create sequence, set it to 1" select gen_id(g,10) from rdb$database; -- (2) select gen_id -- returns 1

select gen_id(g,0) as initial_seq_value from rdb$database; show sequ g; commit;

set transaction READ COMMITTED NO WAIT;

set term #⁠; execute block returns(iter smallint, prepared_seq_value int, changed_seq_value int) as declare c int; begin for execute statement 'select row_number()over(), gen_id(g,0) from rdb$types rows 3' into iter, prepared_seq_value do begin execute statement 'recreate sequence g' WITH AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION ; execute statement 'select gen_id(g,9) from rdb$database' WITH AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION into changed_seq_value; suspend; end end

set term ;#⁠ commit;

select gen_id(g,0) as final_seq_value from rdb$database; show sequ g;

> And why again EXECUTE BLOCK + EXECUTE STATEMENT ? Two python connections is perfectly enough for the test.

Pure ISQL is better and easier :-)

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago
Modified by: @dyemanov Version: 3\.0\.7 \[ 10940 \]
firebird-automations commented 3 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

Please, change the title and description to show actual issue (stale metadata for generator could be used, afaiu).

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov description: Steps to reproduce: 1\) open firebird\.conf and set ExtConnPoolLifeTime to value about 5\.\.\.10 \(I used 5\); restart FB 4\.x\. 2\) unpack batch from attached \.7z; open it in editor and adjust following variables: ===== fbc // path to isql\.exe from FB 4\.x dbnm // name of temporary database usr // SYSDBA psw // masterkey ===== This batch will create temporary database and \.sql which does: ======= 1\) connect to this temp database; 2\) run 'RECREATE SEQUENCE g\_eds\_test;' 3\) creates procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' \(its name speaks for itself\) 4\) RECONNECT to database; 5\) run procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' with input arg\. = 123\. 6\) check that final value of sequence 'g\_eds\_test' is 123 ======= Then batch will parse firebird\.conf \(from \!fbc\!\\ folder\) and take value ExtConnPoolLifeTime from there \(it must be uncommented, of course\)\. Finally, it calls just created \.sql \*three\* times, with different interval between second and third: firs interval = \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\), second is \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\), i\.e\.: ======= t0 \-\-\> run #⁠1 t1 = return from sql \(i\.e\. finish of run #⁠1\) \.\.\.\. wait for \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\) seconds \.\.\.\. t2 = t1 \+ \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\) seconds \-\-\> run #⁠2 t3 = return from sql \(i\.e\. finish of run #⁠2\) \.\.\.\. wait for \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\) seconds \.\.\.\. t4 = t3 \+ \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\) seconds \-\-\> run #⁠3 ======= Built\-in Windows utility 'timeout' is used for pausesbetween launches of isql\. Here is the content of SQL: ======= set bail on; set heading off; set list on; connect 'localhost:c:\\temp\\tmp4test\.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey'; create or alter procedure sp\_increment\_sequence\(a\_inc int = null\) as begin end; recreate view v\_check as select cast\('now' as timestamp\) dts, coalesce\( q'\{YES, '\}' \|\| trim\(g\.rdb$generator\_name\) \|\| q'\{' exists\.\}', q'\{NO, it doesn't\}'\) as "Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\>" from rdb$database r left join rdb$generators g on upper\(g\.rdb$generator\_name\) = upper\('g\_eds\_test'\); commit; select 'point\-1' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; recreate sequence g\_eds\_test; commit; select 'point\-2' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; select gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) as init\_seq\_value from rdb$database; commit; set term #⁠; create or alter procedure sp\_increment\_sequence\(a\_inc int = null\) returns\(gen\_value\_before\_inc int, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc int\) as declare c int; begin gen\_value\_before\_inc = gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\); c = gen\_id\( g\_eds\_test, coalesce\(a\_inc,1\) \); gen\_value\_after\_\_inc = gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\); suspend; end #⁠ commit #⁠ \-\- #⁠#⁠#⁠ RECONNECT #⁠#⁠#⁠ connect 'localhost:c:\\temp\\tmp4test\.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey' #⁠ select gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) as seq\_value\_after\_reconnect from rdb$database #⁠ commit #⁠ execute block returns\(gen\_value\_before\_inc int, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc int\) as begin execute statement \( 'select gen\_value\_before\_inc, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc from sp\_increment\_sequence\( ? \)' \) \( 123 \) on external 'localhost:' \|\| rdb$get\_context\('SYSTEM','DB\_NAME'\) as user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey' \-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\) \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- ::::: NB ::::: into gen\_value\_before\_inc, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc ; suspend; end #⁠ set term ;#⁠ select iif\( gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) \> 0, 'Expected: ' \|\| gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\), 'UNEXPECTED \>\>\> ' \|\| gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\) \|\| ' <<< ?' \) as final\_seq\_value from rdb$database; commit; drop procedure sp\_increment\_sequence; drop sequence g\_eds\_test; commit; select 'point\-3' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; commit; set list off; set heading off; select '=== bye\-bye from SQL ===' from rdb$database; ======= PLEASE NOTE ON COMMENTED LINE: " \-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\) \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- ::::: NB :::::" Run this batch\. This is result of batch when it runs with ExtConnPoolLifeTime = 5: #⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠ MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:04\.5180 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:04\.5290 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:05\.0920 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === Take delay for 6 s, i\.e\. #⁠#⁠#⁠ GREATER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime\. \. \. Waiting for 6 seconds, press a key to continue \.\.\.5 4 3 2 1 0 Check result after "long delay": MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:11\.5640 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:11\.5790 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:12\.1600 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === Take delay for 4 s, i\.e\. #⁠#⁠#⁠ SHORTER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime\. \. \. Waiting for 4 seconds, press a key to continue \.\.\.3 2 1 0 Check result after "short delay": MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.2370 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.2560 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 123 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 246 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE UNEXPECTED \>\>\> 0 <<< ? MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.3380 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === #⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠ As you can see, sequence is recreated every time\. But its \*OLD\* value \(123\) still visible to procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' when it is called via ES/EDS and \- most important \- time from previous call is less then ExtConnPoolLifeTime\. If we uncomment line "\-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\)" and repeat than result is expected: ===== GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 ===== \(using ROLE clause with random value forces EDS mechanism to create totally new connection, AFAIK\)\. PS\. WI\-V4\.0\.0\.2307 Firebird 4\.0 Release Candidate 1 =\> Steps to reproduce: 1\) open firebird\.conf and set ExtConnPoolLifeTime to value about 5\.\.\.10 \(I used 5\); restart FB 4\.x\. 2\) unpack batch from attached \.7z; open it in editor and adjust following variables: ===== fbc // path to isql\.exe from FB 4\.x dbnm // name of temporary database usr // SYSDBA psw // masterkey ===== This batch will create temporary database and \.sql which does: ======= 1\) connect to this temp database; 2\) run 'RECREATE SEQUENCE g\_eds\_test;' 3\) creates procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' \(its name speaks for itself\) 4\) RECONNECT to database; 5\) run procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' with input arg\. = 123\. 6\) check that final value of sequence 'g\_eds\_test' is 123 ======= Then batch will parse firebird\.conf \(from \!fbc\!\\ folder\) and take value ExtConnPoolLifeTime from there \(it must be uncommented, of course\)\. Finally, it calls just created \.sql \*three\* times, with different interval between second and third: firs interval = \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\), second is \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\), i\.e\.: ======= t0 \-\-\> run #⁠1 t1 = return from sql \(i\.e\. finish of run #⁠1\) \.\.\.\. wait for \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\) seconds \.\.\.\. t2 = t1 \+ \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \+ 1\) seconds \-\-\> run #⁠2 t3 = return from sql \(i\.e\. finish of run #⁠2\) \.\.\.\. wait for \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\) seconds \.\.\.\. t4 = t3 \+ \(ExtConnPoolLifeTime \- 1\) seconds \-\-\> run #⁠3 ======= Built\-in Windows utility 'timeout' is used for pausesbetween launches of isql\. Here is the content of SQL: ======= set bail on; set heading off; set list on; connect 'localhost:c:\\temp\\tmp4test\.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey'; create or alter procedure sp\_increment\_sequence\(a\_inc int = null\) as begin end; recreate view v\_check as select cast\('now' as timestamp\) dts, coalesce\( q'\{YES, '\}' \|\| trim\(g\.rdb$generator\_name\) \|\| q'\{' exists\.\}', q'\{NO, it doesn't\}'\) as "Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\>" from rdb$database r left join rdb$generators g on upper\(g\.rdb$generator\_name\) = upper\('g\_eds\_test'\); commit; select 'point\-1' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; recreate sequence g\_eds\_test; commit; select 'point\-2' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; select gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) as init\_seq\_value from rdb$database; commit; set term #⁠; create or alter procedure sp\_increment\_sequence\(a\_inc int = null\) returns\(gen\_value\_before\_inc int, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc int\) as declare c int; begin gen\_value\_before\_inc = gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\); c = gen\_id\( g\_eds\_test, coalesce\(a\_inc,1\) \); gen\_value\_after\_\_inc = gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\); suspend; end #⁠ commit #⁠ \-\- #⁠#⁠#⁠ RECONNECT #⁠#⁠#⁠ connect 'localhost:c:\\temp\\tmp4test\.fdb' user SYSDBA password 'masterkey' #⁠ select gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) as seq\_value\_after\_reconnect from rdb$database #⁠ commit #⁠ execute block returns\(gen\_value\_before\_inc int, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc int\) as begin execute statement \( 'select gen\_value\_before\_inc, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc from sp\_increment\_sequence\( ? \)' \) \( 123 \) on external 'localhost:' \|\| rdb$get\_context\('SYSTEM','DB\_NAME'\) as user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey' \-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\) \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- ::::: NB ::::: into gen\_value\_before\_inc, gen\_value\_after\_\_inc ; suspend; end #⁠ set term ;#⁠ select iif\( gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test, 0\) \> 0, 'Expected: ' \|\| gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\), 'UNEXPECTED \>\>\> ' \|\| gen\_id\(g\_eds\_test,0\) \|\| ' <<< ?' \) as final\_seq\_value from rdb$database; commit; drop procedure sp\_increment\_sequence; drop sequence g\_eds\_test; commit; select 'point\-3' as msg, v\.\* from v\_check v; commit; set list off; set heading off; select '=== bye\-bye from SQL ===' from rdb$database; ======= PLEASE NOTE ON COMMENTED LINE: " \-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\) \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- ::::: NB :::::" Run this batch\. This is result of batch when it runs with ExtConnPoolLifeTime = 5: #⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠ MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:04\.5180 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:04\.5290 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:05\.0920 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === Take delay for 6 s, i\.e\. #⁠#⁠#⁠ GREATER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime\. \. \. Waiting for 6 seconds, press a key to continue \.\.\.5 4 3 2 1 0 Check result after "long delay": MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:11\.5640 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:11\.5790 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:12\.1600 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === Take delay for 4 s, i\.e\. #⁠#⁠#⁠ SHORTER #⁠#⁠#⁠ than ECP lifetime\. \. \. Waiting for 4 seconds, press a key to continue \.\.\.3 2 1 0 Check result after "short delay": MSG point\-1 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.2370 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't MSG point\-2 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.2560 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> YES, 'G\_EDS\_TEST' exists\. INIT\_SEQ\_VALUE 0 SEQ\_VALUE\_AFTER\_RECONNECT 0 GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 123 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 246 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE UNEXPECTED \>\>\> 0 <<< ? MSG point\-3 DTS 2021\-01\-07 10:30:16\.3380 Does sequence 'g\_eds\_test' exists ? =\> NO, it doesn't === bye\-bye from SQL === #⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠#⁠ As you can see, sequence is recreated every time\. But its \*OLD\* value \(123\) still visible to procedure 'sp\_increment\_sequence' when it is called via ES/EDS and \- most important \- time from previous call is less then ExtConnPoolLifeTime\. If we uncomment line "\-\- role 'A' \|\| replace\(lpad\('',30,uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\)\),'\-',''\)" and repeat than result is expected: ===== GEN\_VALUE\_BEFORE\_INC 0 GEN\_VALUE\_AFTER\_\_INC 123 FINAL\_SEQ\_VALUE Expected: 123 ===== \(using ROLE clause with random value forces EDS mechanism to create totally new connection, AFAIK\)\. PS\. WI\-V4\.0\.0\.2307 Firebird 4\.0 Release Candidate 1 PPS\. UPD, 03\.02\.21\. Changed title after Vlad's request\. summary: ES/EDS and ExtConnPool problem: EDS\-connection may see old value of generator if it is established twise and interval is less than ExtConnPoolLifeTime \(even when generator is RECREATED every time\) =\> Stale metadata for generator could be used