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wrong selection on gen_id ? [CORE2240] #2667

Open firebird-automations opened 15 years ago

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Submitted by: Michał Kalinowski (junkhead)

ok, so i got simple select

select f, f+1 from ( select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f from rdb$database)

and this select gives me two the same values, but it should give me generator value increased by 1...

so, the similar problem is with

select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1), gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) from rdb$database

second column is lower then first, whats wrong?

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

Nobody guarantees you that columns in select statement are evaluated from left to right.

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago
Modified by: @AlexPeshkoff status: Open \[ 1 \] =\> Resolved \[ 5 \] resolution: Won't Fix \[ 2 \]
firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

Alex, but I think the first example is a valid bug.

I believe (didn't tested yet) the gen_id expression is being cloned, and run twice.

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: Michał Kalinowski (junkhead)


select f+1 , f from ( select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f from rdb$database)

gives diffrent result than

f, f+1

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago
Modified by: @pcisar status: Resolved \[ 5 \] =\> Closed \[ 6 \]
firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

Bug: values should be equal.

create generator gen_my_generator;

select f, f from ( select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f from rdb$database );

Returns: F F ===================== ===================== 2 1

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago
Modified by: @asfernandes status: Closed \[ 6 \] =\> Reopened \[ 4 \] resolution: Won't Fix \[ 2 \] =\>
firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

Why it should be equal ? Is it required by standard ?

Is following query is equivalent to yours ?

select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f, gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f from rdb$database

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

The name of this is "derived table". Why would you expect reading its column should return different result?

If you find that derived fields may be considered as computed expressions, I'll agree.

Now, I have Oracle agreeing with my way to see it:

SQL> select n, n from (select dbms_random.value n from dual);

     N          N

---------- ---------- .328763294 .328763294

(Oracle did not allow sequence usage in this context)

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

As far as I remember standard order of expressions evaluation (and count of them for derived tables) is implementattion defined. May be I'm wrong - please provide standard reference.

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @romansimakov

IMO, "select gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f, gen_id(gen_my_generator,1) as f from rdb$database", is not equivalent to initial query.

In this example gen_id is called for calculating each FIELD in only row, but in derived table case the field values of derived table record should be used for calculating record of query result. In other words we should not fetch new record from derived table to calculate each FIELD value.

firebird-automations commented 15 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

SQL 2008, page 380 (402) explains for me:

Section 7.12 <query specification>

General Rules 1) Case: a) If T is not a grouped table, then each <value expression> is applied to each row of T yielding a table TEMP of M rows, where M is the cardinality of T. The i-th column of the table contains the values derived by the evaluation of the i-th <value expression>.

So a TEMP table with one column should be created. In the outer query, the value of the TEMP table should be read, hence not evaluating the expression more than one time.