FirebirdSQL / firebird

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rename isql tool to isql-fb , fbsql , firebirdsql [CORE3534] #3891

Open firebird-automations opened 13 years ago

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Submitted by: @mariuz

on any type of linux firebird isql utility conflicts with the isql from odbc , the solution is the rename the utility to something more userfriendly like firebirdsql or fbsql (for mysql the utility is mysql , for postgresql is psql ...)

Here is what usually happens on Linux sistems : Ubuntu ./ start test FB3_transition CREATE DATABASE

********************************************** * unixODBC - isql * ********************************************** * Syntax * * * * isql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options] * * * * Options * * * * -b batch.(no prompting etc) * * -dx delimit columns with x * * -x0xXX delimit columns with XX, where * * x is in hex, ie 0x09 is tab * * -w wrap results in an HTML table * * -c column names on first row. * * (only used when -d) * * -mn limit column display width to n * * -v verbose. * * -lx set locale to x * * -q wrap char fields in dquotes * * -3 Use ODBC 3 calls * * -n Use new line processing * * --version version * * * * Commands * * * * help - list tables * * help table - list columns in table * * help help - list all help options * * * * Examples * * * * isql WebDB MyID MyPWD -w < My.sql * * * * Each line in My.sql must contain * * exactly 1 SQL command except for the * * last line which must be blank (unless * * -n option specified). * * * * Please visit; * * * * * * * * * **********************************************

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago
Modified by: @mariuz Component: ISQL \[ 10003 \]
firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @aafemt

For the same reason ODBC isql should be renamed to osql... Have you posed the ticket to ODBC tracker too? In the name conflict with Mozilla Firebird won. Why should it surrender to ODBC?..

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @pmakowski

isql is not the only collision gstat confilct with ganglia-gmond (rh #⁠515510)

packagers of each distro take care of that under Fedora, RHEL, Centos, Mandriva, Mageia, OpenSuse in /usr/bin you have isql-fb and gstat-fb under Debian /usr/bin/fbstat and /usr/bin/isql-fb but yes it could simplify the job

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @mariuz

Well the problem is easy to fix on our side and it's easy to fix this conflict , at least on debian we renamed it from isql to isql-fb but long term solution is to have a consistent named console utility (brains expects fbsql or firebirdsql)

Also we do have a conflict with TDS that includes isql utility also with microsoft and sybase with their isql utility

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: Sean Leyne (seanleyne)

I do not recall any discussion about renaming isql to isql-fb!

It is not appropriate for the port maintainers to rename any of the project files, without the express approval of the project admins.

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @pmakowski

Sean, please Distro have rules and conflicts are avoid, and about conflict into distro package first packaged often win that's all so if we (packager) want firebird into distro, we have to follow the rules, and express approval of the project admins is not need, because /usr/bin/isql-fb and /usr/bin/gstat-fb are only symlinks to isql and gstat (for example under Mageia /usr/bin/isql-fb can be a symink to usr/lib/firebird/bin-classic/isql )

now, if you want to package under various distro, you're welcome

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @mariuz

There were many discussions in the past just one notice and many others

Debian and other distros must make small changes and symlinks so the files should not conflict when installed from packages If is decided we can rename/symlink back to fb-* firebird* or *-fb

ps: of we would wait for comitee many years would pass without doing nothing

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: Sean Leyne (seanleyne)

Guys, let use clear language!!!

Creating symlinks and *renaming* the binary are NOT the same thing!

If it was clearly been outlined that the current distros maintainers have created symlinks to meet rules of the linux masters, then I would have been fine with that.

(No, I didn't recall the mail thread from *2007*!!!)

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @pmakowski

Marius please stop Committee have nothing to do with that as said Roman in the thread : But anyway, decision to change the names of the utilities is a major one and requires long talk here or in fb-architect before any changes are made.

That's a project and admin team decision, not in Foundation's hand

firebird-automations commented 13 years ago

Commented by: @mariuz

Ok i stop , i missunderstood who votes on what (i thought that foundation will vote) I will start a thread on architect then