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Improve error message about listener abend [CORE3923] #4258

Open firebird-automations opened 12 years ago

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Submitted by: @aafemt

Attachments: firebird.log

Instead of useless "SERVER/process_packet: broken port, server exiting" write down what has happened exactly. It will help diagnostic XNET breakdown after very long connection.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

a) every network error is logged into firebird.log, so if such error happens it should be there before "SERVER/process_packet: broken port, server exiting" b) to track crash (i mean real *crash*, not a handled error condition) of listener (or something else) there is special instruments and you know about it

> XNET breakdown after very long connection what is it ?

This ticket have zero info about issue and i recommend to close it or add more details.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @aafemt

This is not bug ticket, but improvement one. For bug ticket I don't have enough information yet. You can see firebird.log in attachment. After this, TCP connections could be established, but XNET - not.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago
Modified by: @aafemt Attachment: firebird\.log \[ 12209 \]
firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

This log have no additional info to shed light on issue, unfortunately.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @aafemt

And this is exactly the reason for this ticket: good log should contain not only "shit happened".

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @aafemt

Ok, if "crash" is too strong word, I'll change it no something softer.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago
Modified by: @aafemt environment: Windows =\> Windows/XNET summary: Improve error message about listener crash =\> Improve error message about listener abend
firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad


so far you show zero information about any kind of bug in the Firebird. I failed to see WHAT do you want to improve.

There is NO indication in log that it is XNET listener was exiting. It looks like XNET listener was never started, btw.

There is 3 INET errors (returned by send() ) and 3 subsequent messages about "broken port, server exiting". All at the same second (10:10:59). Do you see relationship here ? FYI, "broken port, server exiting" message written by worker CS process, not by the listener one.

So far i see this as pure support question and i don't think tracker is a place for such discussions.

This ticket should be closed.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @aafemt

I repeat: this ticket is not about a bug.

This ticket address exactly this: the error message provides no information WHAT is exiting, and WHY.

The message should be changed.

firebird-automations commented 12 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

I doubt we will change error messages every time you not understand it. This is why support exists. All explanations was given to you :

> Instead of useless "SERVER/process_packet: broken port, server exiting" write down what has happened exactly. It is exactly what happens : inet server detected broken port (see inet error above) and exits.

> It will help diagnostic XNET breakdown after very long connection. In this case it have nothing common with "XNET breakdown"

I see nothing else i can say here.