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Access violation on UDF crashes server [CORE5234] #5513

Closed firebird-automations closed 8 years ago

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Submitted by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo)

I have a UDF named jjwudf. Inside it we have this exported function:

procedure udf\_StrOfChr\(Ret, Ch: PChar; var Count: integer\); cdecl; export;
  I: integer;
  if \(Ch^ = #&#x2060;0\) or \(Count <= 0\) then
    Ret^ := #&#x2060;0
  else begin
    for I := 1 to Count do begin
      Ret^ := Ch^;
    Ret^ := #&#x2060;0;

And this is its DDL

ENTRY\_POINT 'udf\_StrOfChr' MODULE\_NAME 'jjwudf';    

It returns a string of the char repeated, see a usage example:

select udf\_StrOfChr\('a', 3\) from rdb$database

Returns "aaa"

When I use it on 2.x Firebird Servers, it works! But on Firebird 3.0 it crashes the server.


myvm Mon May 09 11:33:01 2016 The user defined function: UDF_STROFCHAR referencing entrypoint: udf_StrOfChr
in module: jjwudf caused the fatal exception: Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

Commits: FirebirdSQL/firebird@db6debb0720acb528fce58174a7f278bc4190871 FirebirdSQL/firebird@0db5c2df3fcf7aa5bcc8f58d2343790ae56f3db4

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @livius2

It looks like support question... Your udf doesn't allocate memory for parametr 1(ret) You declare its max - and FB allocate only buffer for 'a' not 254 chars

but maybe i am wrong - then someone corrects me

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo)

Karol, the case is that it works on 2.x versions. This broked the compatibility.

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago
Modified by: @hvlad assignee: Vlad Khorsun \[ hvlad \]
firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

Beto Neto,

please check next snapshot build.

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad


when UDF declare output parameter as RETURNS PARAMETER N - engine allocates memory itself.

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago
Modified by: @hvlad status: Open \[ 1 \] =\> Resolved \[ 5 \] resolution: Fixed \[ 1 \] Fix Version: 3\.0\.1 \[ 10730 \] Fix Version: 4\.0 Alpha 1 \[ 10731 \]
firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo)

Fixed, thanks!

Tested with Firebird-

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov status: Resolved \[ 5 \] =\> Resolved \[ 5 \] QA Status: No test =\> Cannot be tested
firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @kattunga

I have exactly the same problem here but it is not fixed in latest snapshot build. It is something related with freepascal 2.6 and linux. I have an udf that works perfect for many years in firebird but now with firebird 3.0 superserver 64 bits on linux it raise exactly the same error that you post above (in firebird.log) and it crash the server. For small resultseta the udf works as expected and returns the correct result but if you use it in a very large select, about 2 millon record, it makes the server crash. After a complete day reworking the udf the only way i found to fix the issue was recompiling it with freepascal 3.0.

Now it works.

The problem is fixed for me but it sounds that some kind of compatibility was broken.

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad


with no details we can't even diagnose an issue. Message in firebird.log say nothing about reasons, just a fact of AV cacthed at UDF call.

firebird-automations commented 8 years ago

Commented by: @kattunga

Hi Vlad,

I think that the problem is with FreePascal, not with Firebird, I remember that I had this issue several times in the past years, it appears and disappears depending on the combination of Freepascal and Firebird versions. There are several bug reports about udf's done with freepascal / kilix, for example CORE3646, CORE3071.

Now with Firebird 3.0 Superserver, If I compile with FreePascal 2.6.4, I can reproduce the issue with an udf so simple like:

function KPosInList(Str1, Str2: PChar): integer; cdecl; var SL: TStringList; s1: AnsiString; s2: AnsiString; begin if (Str1 = nil) or (Str2 = nil) then begin Result := 0; Exit; end;

try s1 := StrPas(Str1); s2 := StrPas(Str2);

SL := TStringList\.Create;
  SL\.CommaText := s2;
  Result := SL\.IndexOf\(s1\)\+1;

except Result := 0; end; end;

it works fine for small resultsets, but on large resultsets it always raise:

the user defined function: K_POSINLIST referencing entrypoint: KPosInList
in module: kibudf caused the fatal exception: Segmentation Fault. The code attempted to access memory without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

The problem disappear after compiling it with FreePascal 3.0.

The question is: is posible to avoid the Firebird Server crash and only return an error to the connection that execute the query?


firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: Vadim Mescheryakov (vadimmescheryakov)

I catched this error on Firebird / 64 bit (Windows)

But error do not ever when call udf function

SRV-DELFIN Mon Oct 31 13:51:58 2016 The user defined function: UDF_POS referencing entrypoint: dfudf_Pos
in module: tbudf caused the fatal exception: Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

SRV-DELFIN Mon Oct 31 13:51:58 2016 The user defined function: UDF_FORMATFLOAT referencing entrypoint: dfudf_FormatFloat
in module: tbudf caused the fatal exception: Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

SRV-DELFIN Mon Oct 31 13:51:58 2016 The user defined function: UDF_POS referencing entrypoint: dfudf_Pos
in module: tbudf caused the fatal exception: Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad


firebird.log is clear - all AV's was catched when UDF's called Do you have something we could look at ? Reproducible example, memory dump...

Also, it is important to know - what compiler was used to build UDF

firebird-automations commented 6 years ago

Commented by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo)

Now I'm getting this error on Firebird LI-V2.5.8.27089

This is the firebird.log

dba301515fae Tue Apr 17 08:36:11 2018 The user defined function: UDF_TRIM referencing entrypoint: udf_Trim in module: jjwudf caused the fatal exception: Segmentation Fault. The code attempted to access memory without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally.

dba301515fae (Client) Tue Apr 17 08:36:12 2018 /usr/local/firebird/bin/fbguard: /usr/local/firebird/bin/fb_smp_server terminated abnormally (-1)

dba301515fae (Client) Tue Apr 17 08:36:12 2018 /usr/local/firebird/bin/fbguard: guardian starting /usr/local/firebird/bin/fb_smp_server

And this is the UDF source (lazarus/free pascal)

function udf_Trim(Str: PChar): PChar; cdecl; export; begin Result := Str; StrPCopy(Str, Trim(Str)); end;

This crash occurrs randomly.

firebird-automations commented 6 years ago
Modified by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo) Version: 2\.5\.8 \[ 10809 \]
firebird-automations commented 6 years ago
Modified by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo) priority: Blocker \[ 1 \] =\> Critical \[ 2 \]
firebird-automations commented 6 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

The log message is clear, isn't is ?

What is value of BugcheckAbort setting ?

Does UDF have IsMultythreaded := true ? Or its FPC equivalent.

And, please, don't put all and every issues related with AV in UDF into this ticket.

firebird-automations commented 6 years ago

Commented by: Beto Neto (betoneto.tbo)

The log message is clear, isn't is ? - Sorry, I'm not acquainted with lazarus/free pascal.

What is value of BugcheckAbort setting ? - How can I find this? Is a compiler option?

Does UDF have IsMultythreaded := true ? - There was no code setting this, now I have turned it on.

Or its FPC equivalent. - ?

And, please, don't put all and every issues related with AV in UDF into this ticket. - Sorry again.

firebird-automations commented 6 years ago

Commented by: @hvlad

> The log message is clear, isn't is ? > - Sorry, I'm not acquainted with lazarus/free pascal. I refer to the message from firebird.log you showed

> What is value of BugcheckAbort setting ? > - How can I find this? Is a compiler option? This is setting at firebird.conf

> Does UDF have IsMultythreaded := true ? > - There was no code setting this, now I have turned it on. Very good

Please, next time ask at fb-support list first, until you 100% sure there is a bug.