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'Restrict UDF' is not effective, because is dynamically linked against libc [CORE5474] #5744

Closed firebird-automations closed 7 years ago

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Submitted by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

The default setting for UDF access when installing firebird 2.5.6 on linux is 'UdfAccess = Restrict UDF', which allows access to any symbols defined in udf libraries shipped with firebird within UDF folder. There are two libraries there - and Both of them are dynamically linked with libc:

ldd /opt/firebird/UDF/ (0x00007fff4e129000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f38b1389000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f38b116c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f38b0dce000) /usr/lib64/ (0x000055562c490000)

Any DB user can use this to escalate his privileges to code execution:

DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION EXEC cstring\(4096\), integer RETURNS integer BY VALUE ENTRY\_POINT 'system' MODULE\_NAME 'fbudf' ;
select first 1 EXEC\('touch /tmp/proof'\) from some\_table;

If this is a design decision, this should be more clearly documented (current comments in firebird.conf suggest that 'restricted' UDF provides some additional protection as opposed to None). If not, this should probably be fixed by statically linking all that is needed by this .so files and double-checking that the exports table is fine.

I also think it is a good idea to provide some level of additional access control for external functions. I.e. only SYSDBA or selected users can declare/alter/drop external functions.

PS: I am restricting access to the issue as this is, from my viewpoint, a security vulnerabilty and the POC is included. I did mention this on twitter (quite carelessly) before I understood that it applies to all users, not just SYSDBA, but without a POC. Anyway, this bypass is so simple, that it is probably already widely known among people who hack things.

PPS. Didn't have time to test this on FB 3 or on Windows.

Commits: FirebirdSQL/firebird@761a8f811de262f10c89961bd3d24a989b279948 FirebirdSQL/firebird@292321bd9c3e58d81f44c74a7025f9f418e3d016 FirebirdSQL/firebird@a802126cd501f641f00d6cda12d5d9ee3ecda6f5 FirebirdSQL/firebird@fc5d60025c0b15143fc01b61675e43a7d0f40270 FirebirdSQL/firebird@9d9b9e0c94e201da489d1da81f858c570d3ca6ef FirebirdSQL/firebird@56e9a73c16803c3544076edb2d6c4ca25815e541 FirebirdSQL/firebird@8b2a9cb44bf6055e15f016d70a6842b8ada60375

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: George Noseevich (webpentest) description: The default setting for UDF access when installing firebird 2\.5\.6 on linux is 'UdfAccess = Restrict UDF', which allows access to any symbols defined in udf libraries shipped with firebird within UDF folder\. There are two libraries there \- and ib\_udf\.so\. Both of them are dynamically linked with libc: ldd /opt/firebird/UDF/fbudf\.so linux\-vdso\.so\.1 \(0x00007fff4e129000\) libm\.so\.6 =\> /usr/lib/libm\.so\.6 \(0x00007f38b1389000\) libpthread\.so\.0 =\> /usr/lib/libpthread\.so\.0 \(0x00007f38b116c000\) libc\.so\.6 =\> /usr/lib/libc\.so\.6 \(0x00007f38b0dce000\) /usr/lib64/ld\-linux\-x86\-64\.so\.2 \(0x000055562c490000\) Any DB user can use this to escalate his privileges to code execution: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION EXEC cstring\(4096\), integer RETURNS integer BY VALUE ENTRY\_POINT 'system' MODULE\_NAME '' ; select first 1 EXEC\('touch /tmp/proof'\) from some\_table; If this is a design decision, this should be more clearly documented \(current comments in firebird\.conf suggest that 'restricted' UDF provides some additional protection as opposed to None\)\. If not, this should probably be fixed by statically linking all that is needed by this \.so files and double\-checking that the exports table is fine\. I also think it is a good idea to provide some level of additional access control for external functions\. I\.e\. only SYSDBA or selected users can declare/alter/drop external functions\. PS: I am restricting access to the issue as this is, from my viewpoint, a security vulnerabilty and the POC is included\. I did mention this on twitter \(quite carelessly\) before I understood that it applies to all users, not just SYSDBA, but without a POC\. Anyway, this bypass is so simple, that it is probably already widely known among people who hack things\. PPS\. Didn't have time to test this on FB 3 or on Windows\. =\> The default setting for UDF access when installing firebird 2\.5\.6 on linux is 'UdfAccess = Restrict UDF', which allows access to any symbols defined in udf libraries shipped with firebird within UDF folder\. There are two libraries there \- and ib\_udf\.so\. Both of them are dynamically linked with libc: ldd /opt/firebird/UDF/fbudf\.so linux\-vdso\.so\.1 \(0x00007fff4e129000\) libm\.so\.6 =\> /usr/lib/libm\.so\.6 \(0x00007f38b1389000\) libpthread\.so\.0 =\> /usr/lib/libpthread\.so\.0 \(0x00007f38b116c000\) libc\.so\.6 =\> /usr/lib/libc\.so\.6 \(0x00007f38b0dce000\) /usr/lib64/ld\-linux\-x86\-64\.so\.2 \(0x000055562c490000\) Any DB user can use this to escalate his privileges to code execution: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION EXEC cstring\(4096\), integer RETURNS integer BY VALUE ENTRY\_POINT 'system' MODULE\_NAME 'fbudf' ; select first 1 EXEC\('touch /tmp/proof'\) from some\_table; If this is a design decision, this should be more clearly documented \(current comments in firebird\.conf suggest that 'restricted' UDF provides some additional protection as opposed to None\)\. If not, this should probably be fixed by statically linking all that is needed by this \.so files and double\-checking that the exports table is fine\. I also think it is a good idea to provide some level of additional access control for external functions\. I\.e\. only SYSDBA or selected users can declare/alter/drop external functions\. PS: I am restricting access to the issue as this is, from my viewpoint, a security vulnerabilty and the POC is included\. I did mention this on twitter \(quite carelessly\) before I understood that it applies to all users, not just SYSDBA, but without a POC\. Anyway, this bypass is so simple, that it is probably already widely known among people who hack things\. PPS\. Didn't have time to test this on FB 3 or on Windows\.
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

What a bug!

It seems some OSs have RTLD_FIRST to restrict lookups for only the passed library, but glibc does not have it.

Should it be checked with dladdr after dlsym? But dladdr is also a function that is not always present.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

It may also be possible to use dlinfo to list all the symbols and then disallow anything other than that, though I have no idea how portable this solution is.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @asfernandes priority: Major \[ 3 \] =\> Critical \[ 2 \]
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @asfernandes

Well, dlinfo is also a GNU extension, as well dladdr which is easy to use.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @AlexPeshkoff assignee: Alexander Peshkov \[ alexpeshkoff \]
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

Dladdr is defintely preferred. Unlike dlinfo it's present de-facto on most of supported by us platforms.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @AlexPeshkoff status: Open \[ 1 \] =\> Resolved \[ 5 \] resolution: Fixed \[ 1 \] Fix Version: 2\.5\.7 \[ 10770 \] Fix Version: 3\.0\.2 \[ 10785 \] Fix Version: 4\.0 Alpha 1 \[ 10731 \]
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @mkubecek

How carefully should this be handled? Is it OK to provide updated distribution packages with the fix (without sharing any information about the abuse mechanism beyond what is mentioned in the commit message)?

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

Previously we released packages and mentioned that they fix severe vulnerability. Details were disclosed approximately a month after it to let people update without great hurry.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

TWIMC: I've tested this on windows (using fb 2.1 with win 2003, because that's what I needed) and this 'dll chaining' does not seem to work there. So the scope might be limited to *nix only.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

I've also noticed that it is (still) possible to use 'internal' C++ symbols from, like Firebird::NoThrowTimeStamp::decode_timestamp (_ZN8Firebird16NoThrowTimeStamp16decode_timestampE13ISC_TIMESTAMPP2tmPi). May it be possible to use these to corrupt/manipulate memory in some unexpected ways? Is there a real need to make these symbols accessible in UDFs?

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @dyemanov

> I also think it is a good idea to provide some level of additional access control for external functions. I.e. only SYSDBA or selected users can declare/alter/drop external functions. Just for the record, it's already done in FB3.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

> May it be possible to use these to corrupt/manipulate memory in some unexpected ways?

Certainly possible. Moreover, it's very easy to corrupt something just passing invalid (i.e. unexpected by C code) parameters to absolutely valid entrypoints. The point of this issue is to avoid calling functions from underlying libraries, is not it so?

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

>> The point of this issue is to avoid calling functions from underlying libraries, is not it so? Absolutely. I was just wondering about other possible ways to use the default UDF functionality to escalate DBA to code exec and possible mitigations.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov status: Resolved \[ 5 \] =\> Resolved \[ 5 \] QA Status: No test =\> Cannot be tested
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov status: Resolved \[ 5 \] =\> Closed \[ 6 \]
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: George Noseevich (webpentest)

MITRE assigned CVE-2017-6369 for this issue. Please let me know when the issue is ready for publication.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

Will do. Next week we plan to release 3.0.2 (2.5.7 is already out) and after it we should give one-two weeks for 3.0 users to upgrade.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @dyemanov security: Developers \[ 10012 \] =\>
firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: anarcat (anarcat)

What is the simplest way to reproduce this issue?

I've tried here and only got an error 3900:

SQL> DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION EXEC cstring(4096), integer RETURNS integer BY VALUE ENTRY_POINT 'system' MODULE_NAME 'fbudf' ; SQL> select first 1 EXEC('touch /tmp/proof') from SALES; Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 39000 function EXEC could not be matched

anything i should enable or grant? this is as the default sysdba user...

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff

George, 3.0.2 is released and people had time to upgrade. I suppose it's OK to publish it.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff


The following works for me:

⁠ ./isql -z employee

ISQL Version: LI-V2.5.5.26952 Firebird 2.5 Server version: LI-V2.5.5.26952 Firebird 2.5 Database: employee

SQL> DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION system cstring(4096) RETURNS integer BY VALUE ENTRY_POINT 'system' MODULE_NAME 'fbudf'; SQL> select system('touch /tmp/proof') from rdb$database;


============ 0

SQL> shell ls /tmp/proof; /tmp/proof SQL>

firebird-automations commented 3 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov status: Closed \[ 6 \] =\> Closed \[ 6 \] QA Status: Cannot be tested =\> Deferred
hvlad commented 3 years ago

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