FirebirdSQL / firebird

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Database file can remain opened after issuing 'gfix -v -full' when some of DB page(s) is corrupted [CORE5505] #5774

Open firebird-automations opened 7 years ago

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Submitted by: @pavel-zotov

Attachments: broken-fdb-and-logs-of_gfix_v_fullvsonline_validation.7z

1) run following .sql (change path and name of .fdb for your settings):

set list on;
shell del C:\\MIX\\firebird\\QA\\fbt\-repo\\tmp\\c5501\.fdb 2\>nul;
create database 'localhost:C:\\MIX\\firebird\\QA\\fbt\-repo\\tmp\\c5501\.fdb'; \-\- page\_size 8192;
alter database drop linger;
create table test\(s varchar\(1000\)\);
set count on;
insert into test\(s\) 
select rpad\( '',1000, uuid\_to\_char\(gen\_uuid\(\)\) \)
from rdb$types
rows 100;
set count off;
set echo on;
select rdb$linger from rdb$database;
show table test;
select count\(\*\) from test;


2) open .fdb in any hex-editor, goto offset = 0x16e000 and ensure that following 16 bytes will be: 05 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b7 00 00 00 (see attach, file "c5501-page_183_healthy_header.png")

3) replace these 16 bytes with: ff aa cc ee bb 00 00 cc dd ee aa dd cc 00 dd ee (see attach, file "c5501-page_183_broken_header.png")

4) open batch file "check-db.bat" (see attach) and change settings:

set fbc=C:\MIX\firebird\fb30 set host=localhost set port=3333 set dbnm=C:\MIX\firebird\QA\fbt-repo\tmp\C5501.FDB set ISC_USER=SYSDBA set ISC_PASSWORD=masterkey

5) run "check-db.bat" with argument 0, i.e. type: check-db.bat 0

This batch being run with argument = 0 will try to launch online validation two times. Copy its log ("check-db.log") to some other name, say "check-db-online-val.log"

6) run "check-db.bat" with argument 1, i.e. type: check-db.bat 1 With arg. = 1 this batch will try to launch gfix -v -full, also two times.

Second 'gfix' will fail with error:

bad parameters on attach or create database -secondary server attachments cannot validate databases

lock-print utility after 1st gfix will show:

LOCK_HEADER BLOCK ... Owners (4): forward: 187624, backward: 195776 <<<< ONE USER CONNECTION DOES EXIST! ...

Query to MON$ATTACHMENTS show that there is one connection from gfix after it was ran first time and finished its job:


Comparison of firebird.log with results of gfix -vs- online validation shows that gfix __did_ fixed one page while online validation not:

1) firebird.log when GFIX was ran for diagnostics:

CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:05:50 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Error: Page 183 wrong type (expected data encountered unknown (255)) CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:05:50 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Warning: Pointer page 179 {sequence 0} bits {0x01 full} are not consistent with data page 183 {sequence 0} state {0x05 ull, swept} in table TEST (128) CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:05:50 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Warning: Page 183 is an orphan CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:05:50 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Validation finished: 1 errors, 2 warnings, 1 fixed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "1 FIXED". WHAT exactly was fixed by GFIX -V -FULL?

2) firebird.log when FBSVCMGR ACTION_VALIDATE was ran for diagnostics:

CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:04:05 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Error: Page 183 wrong type (expected data encountered unknown (255)) CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:04:05 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Warning: Pointer page 179 {sequence 0} bits {0x01 full} are not consistent with data page 183 {sequence 0} state {0x05 full, swept} in table TEST (128) CSPROG Thu Mar 16 16:04:05 2017 Database: C:\MIX\FIREBIRD\QA\FBT-REPO\TMP\C5501.FDB Validation finished: 1 errors, 1 warnings, 0 fixed

Checked on WI-V3.0.2.32695, 32 bit, OS = Win XP.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago
Modified by: @pavel-zotov Attachment: broken\-fdb\-and\-logs\-of\_gfix\_v\_full\_\_\_vs\_\_\_online\_validation\.7z \[ 13076 \]