FirebirdSQL / firebird

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GDS Exception. 335544653. cannot attach to password database [CORE5574] #5841

Open firebird-automations opened 7 years ago

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Submitted by: Miroslav Vacek (mvacek)

Java application error: ---------------------------------------------------------------- org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544653. cannot attach to password database ----------------------------------------------------------------

Firebird.log details: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Database: C:\PROGRAM FILES\FIREBIRD\FIREBIRD_2_1\SECURITY2.FDB lock manager error inconsistent lock table version number; found 0, expected 144

lock manager error

inconsistent lock table version number; found 0, expected 144

Fatal lock manager error: inconsistent lock table version number; found 0, expected 144, errno: 183


The aforementioned problem happens on a DB server that is hosting about 150 Firebird databases. There are 2 simultaneous connections to each database. Sometimes new connection to one of the databases fails with "cannot attach to password database". Each time it is different database. If this happens new connection is not created . All other connections are not affected.

firebird-automations commented 7 years ago

Commented by: Sean Leyne (seanleyne)

1- You have not provided any details to reproduce the problem.

2- Firebird versions less than v2.5 are no longer supported, so any bugs reported related to same will only be fixed on later versions.

3- Are you sure that another FB version has not been recently installed on the server? The error seems self-explanatory.

firebird-automations commented 6 years ago

Commented by: Miroslav Vacek (mvacek)

ad 1- You have not provided any details to reproduce the problem. That's because we are unsure how to emulate the problem ourselves. It happens very infrequently like 2 - 4 times a year on multiple machines in same configuration (1 FB server hosting more than 100 databases).

ad 2- Firebird versions less than v2.5 are no longer supported, so any bugs reported related to same will only be fixed on later versions. This is perfectly clear and should not pose any problem.

ad 3- Are you sure that another FB version has not been recently installed on the server? The error seems self-explanatory. There is always one instance of Firebird server present on target machine. Only one installation of Firebird 2.1.7 Classic Server 64-bit and one OS service running it. No new installations of Firebird server happened on affected machines for several months at least. Can you please elaborate on your "seems self-explanatory" point, please? What we noticed is that on machines reporting the "lock manager error " were some corrupted databases. Once they were restored from backups the problem seems to disappear. Do you think this might be related to issue with "lock manager error"?