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Add full list of builtin functions into README.builtin_functions.txt [DOC138] #6772

Open firebird-automations opened 5 years ago

firebird-automations commented 5 years ago

Submitted by: @livius2

Now description of builtin functions are splitted between separate documents

README.builtin_functions.txt README.substring_similar.txt README.regr_functions.txt README.statistical_functions.txt README.window_functions.txt README.coalesce README.coalesce.txt README.current_time README.current_time.txt README.iif README.length README.length.txt README.list README.list.txt README.nullif README.nullif.txt README.similar_to.txt README.trim README.trim.txt README.iif.txt

Better will be add "links" to this functions into README.builtin_functions.txt

like e.g. : STDDEV_SAMP - look into README.statistical_functions.txt

Why in this way? simply Ctrl+F in notepad. One place with full list. Understandable for new users but not only for them, for me too.

I suppose that some of above files can be merged. Also please document existing functions not documented already like Extract(Year ...

mrotteveel commented 3 years ago

I moved this ticket from the documentation repository to the firebird repository, as this concerns what is included with a release.

The READMEs are primarily intended to bridge the gap when a language reference is not yet available.

For documentation of all functions, use the language reference, e.g. Firebird 3.0 Language Reference or Firebird 2.5 Language Reference.