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Firebird 3 crash - Access violation #7481

Open EPluribusUnum opened 1 year ago

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

Hi *!

" Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. This exception will cause the Firebird server to terminate abnormally."

The dump was created with

I'll send FTP details of the dump in PM.

hvlad commented 1 year ago

Send it to me, pls

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

@hvlad , email sent.

hvlad commented 1 year ago

Downloaded, thanks. Investigating. If you could produce a test case - it would help a lot.

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

@hvlad , database uploaded.

Run this 4 SQL parallel in 4 connection.

execute procedure rep_fk_tabla(100044372, 'ABC', 4, 0) execute procedure rep_fk_tabla(100044372, 'ABC', 4, 1) execute procedure rep_fk_tabla(100044372, 'ABC', 4, 2) execute procedure rep_fk_tabla(100044372, 'ABC', 4, 3)

hvlad commented 1 year ago

I run these queries in parallel many times (on the fresh copy of DB every time) and get no crash. Results are pretty consistent - one query succeeds, three other fails with

Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 Dynamic SQL Error -SQL error code = -104 -Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 1 -At block line: 38, col: 9 -At procedure 'REP_FK_TABLA' line: 87, col: 3

It happens because of attempt to run empty query using EXECUTE STATEMENT.

BTW, it requires UDF library UDF3s.dll and I found some but it could be outdated (29.05.2012)

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

@hvlad , I uploaded

run the command on snapshot

hvlad commented 1 year ago

No luck :( Now all 4 statements run successfully for ~320 sec each, one of them returns

28-FEB-2023 <null> <null> <null>

while other 3 have value 1000 in WAIT_AND_REPEAT column

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

Now I I get a crash for a single SQL command. Uploaded a new database, the complete Firebird directory (v3.0.10.33601) and a new crash dump.

execute procedure rep_fk_tabla(100046633, 'LIBRA3S')

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

Looks like the issue is around exception handling.

In FK_TABLA_CALC_CELL_ALLOC function when I add an EXISTS precheck, no crash happens.

CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION fk_tabla_calc_cell_alloc ( rpt_report_job_id xidn, cell_addr TYPE OF COLUMN fk_tabla_calc.cell_addr, thread_index TYPE OF COLUMN fk_tabla_calc.thread_index) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS BEGIN --IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM fk_tabla_calc c WHERE c.rpt_report_job_id = :rpt_report_job_id AND c.cell_addr = :cell_addr)) --THEN RETURN FALSE; BEGIN INSERT INTO fk_tabla_calc (rpt_report_job_id, cell_addr, thread_index) VALUES (:rpt_report_job_id, :cell_addr, :thread_index); RETURN TRUE; WHEN GDSCODE unique_key_violation DO BEGIN RETURN FALSE; END END END

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

Note: the EXISTS check workaround is only usabe when I run the rep_fk_tabla procedure in a single thread. When I run it multiple times in parallel on snapshot transactions the EXISTS check does not help, the only soution is the exception handling.

dyemanov commented 1 year ago

What if you change the exception handler to just set some return flag and do RETURN RES;in the end of the function?

hvlad commented 1 year ago

Reproduced, thanks.

@dyemanov yes, it helps, no crash

EPluribusUnum commented 1 year ago

Confirmed, returning outside the exception block is a good workaround to avoid the crash.

omachtandras commented 8 months ago

Simplified test case with employee.fdb

create package die as begin function is_integer(s varchar(10)) returns boolean; end

create package body die as begin function is_integer(s varchar(10)) returns boolean as declare variable i integer; begin begin i = cast(s as integer); when any do begin return false; end end return true; end end

create or alter procedure GET_PROJECT_ID returns ( ID type of column PROJECT.PROJ_ID) as begin id = null; if (die.is_integer('1A1')) then begin id = 'INT'; end suspend; end

create or alter procedure INSERT_PROJECT as declare variable id type of column project.proj_id; begin select id from get_project_id into :id;

insert into PROJECT (PROJ_ID, PROJ_NAME, PRODUCT) values (:ID, 'NAME', 'SIMPLE'); end

FB 3.0.11: connection dies Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error.... Error reading data from the connection.

FB 4.0.3 and 5.0.0 RC1 works fine: validation error for column "PROJECT"."PROJ_ID", value " null ". At procedure INSERT_PROJECT line: 9, col: 3.

SQLCODE: -625 SQLSTATE: 23000 GDSCODE: 335544347