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Firebird 5: (var)char variables/parameters assignments fail in Stored Procedures with subroutines #8063

Closed martijntonies closed 1 month ago

martijntonies commented 1 month ago

Take this procedure, connect with SYSDBA.

SET TERM ^^ ; CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE P_2 returns ( O_CHAR VarChar(200) character set utf8) SQL SECURITY INVOKER AS declare variable i integer; declare variable a integer; declare variable o integer; declare variable outer_v varchar(200) character set utf8;

declare function m (v varchar(10)) returns varchar(10) as begin return v || outer_v; end

declare function myfunc (a2 integer) returns integer as declare variable inner_char varchar(200); begin
i = i + 1; select current_user from rdb$database where current_user = 'SYSDBA' into :outer_v; inner_char = m('test'); if (a2 = 4) then a2 = myfunc(a2 + 1); return a2 :a :i; end

begin / i = 5; i = package_test.MyFunction(2); i = mult(4, 2);
o = myfunc(a);
/ outer_v = current_user; o_char = outer_v; end ^^ SET TERM ; ^^

When executing, it returns “S” for output parameter O_CHAR.

Now, recreate the procedure, but comments out the “declare functions”:

SET TERM ^^ ; CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE P_2 returns ( O_CHAR VarChar(200) character set utf8) SQL SECURITY INVOKER AS declare variable i integer; declare variable a integer; declare variable o integer; declare variable outer_v varchar(200) character set utf8;

/* declare function m (v varchar(10)) returns varchar(10) as begin return v || outer_v; end

declare function myfunc (a2 integer) returns integer as declare variable inner_char varchar(200); begin
i = i + 1; select current_user from rdb$database where current_user = 'SYSDBA' into :outer_v; inner_char = m('test'); if (a2 = 4) then a2 = myfunc(a2 + 1); return a2 :a :i; end */

begin / i = 5; i = package_test.MyFunction(2); i = mult(4, 2);
o = myfunc(a);
/ outer_v = current_user; o_char = outer_v; end ^^ SET TERM ; ^^

execute again: the routine returns “SYSDBA”.

The lines executed are no different, but the result is now correct. At first I thought it had something to do with the character set, so I added the UTF8 thing everywhere, even though thats the default character set.