FirebirdSQL / php-firebird

Firebird PHP driver
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Test 12 of 22 fails (Linux x64 build) #15

Open MartinKoeditz opened 3 years ago

hmoffatt commented 2 years ago

I am actually getting a lot more test failures than this. My Firebird server is 2.5 though.

TIME START 2021-12-08 22:55:35
PASS InterBase: connect, close and pconnect [tests/002.phpt] 
FAIL InterBase: misc sql types (may take a while) [tests/003.phpt] 
FAIL InterBase: BLOB test [tests/004.phpt] 
FAIL InterBase: transactions [tests/005.phpt] 
PASS InterBase: binding (may take a while) [tests/006.phpt] 
FAIL InterBase: array handling [tests/007.phpt] 
PASS InterBase: event handling [tests/008.phpt] 
PASS Bug #45373 (php crash on query with errors in params) [tests/bug45373.phpt] 
PASS Bug #45575 (Segfault with invalid non-string as event handler callback) [tests/bug45575.phpt] 
PASS Bug #46247 (ibase_set_event_handler() is allowing to pass callback without event) [tests/bug46247.phpt] 
PASS Bug #46543 (ibase_trans() memory leaks when using wrong parameters) [tests/bug46543.phpt] 
PASS ibase_affected_rows(): Basic test [tests/ibase_affected_rows_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_close(): Basic test [tests/ibase_close_001.phpt] 
FAIL ibase_drop_db(): Basic test [tests/ibase_drop_db_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_errmsg(): Basic test [tests/ibase_errmsg_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_free_query(): Basic test [tests/ibase_free_query_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_num_fields(): Basic test [tests/ibase_num_fields_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_num_params(): Basic test [tests/ibase_num_params_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_param_info(): Basic test [tests/ibase_param_info_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_rollback(): Basic test [tests/ibase_rollback_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_trans(): Basic test [tests/ibase_trans_001.phpt] 
PASS ibase_trans(): Basic operations [tests/ibase_trans_002.phpt] 
TIME END 2021-12-08 22:57:14

Exts skipped    :    0
Exts tested     :   15

Number of tests :   22                22
Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    5 ( 22.7%) ( 22.7%)
Tests passed    :   17 ( 77.3%) ( 77.3%)
Time taken      :   99 seconds

InterBase: misc sql types (may take a while) [tests/003.phpt]
InterBase: BLOB test [tests/004.phpt]
InterBase: transactions [tests/005.phpt]
InterBase: array handling [tests/007.phpt]
ibase_drop_db(): Basic test [tests/ibase_drop_db_001.phpt]