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Update "posts and replies" profile tab to be "replies" #49

Open devotaaabel opened 5 months ago

JohnOberhauser commented 5 months ago

I think it's nice to have a column with posts and replies as a way to see all the users activity in one feed. Especially if they are replying to a post they created.

I'm thinking it could be nice to have these columns:

Posts - contains post and replies. Does not contain boosts Boosts - only boosts Media - Posts with media, does not contain boosts

Or we could do 4 columns

Posts Posts + replies Boosts Media

cadeyrn commented 5 months ago

It would also be nice to have a column for replies only. To quote myself from

There are currently three tabs on the profile pages: "Posts", "Posts and Replies", and "Media". That's okay because it's exactly the same as what the official Mastodon app does.

But sometimes I'm just interested in seeing if an account is replying to other users, or I'm looking for a comment of my own that I know was a reply.

So I suggest adding a "Replies" tab. The advantage would also be that this would be a way to stand out from the official Mastodon app with another special feature (after the discover feature).

Threads, by the way, has exactly this feature. Even though I don't usually like Threads very much, maybe this at least confirms that I'm not the only one who sees a use case in this feature. 😄

JohnOberhauser commented 5 months ago

So maybe 5 columns would be useful

All Posts Replies Boosts Media

Although 5 tabs seems like a lot. Maybe we should have 1 feed and use filters with chips

cederbs commented 4 months ago

@JohnOberhauser 5 is a lot, I'd definitely agree. I think if the approach is going to be to let people filter the types of content, one feed with filter chips along the top of that feed would be a really good place. Are you thinking it would be multi-select? Or is it single selection? (linking to this part since it outlines some of the behavioral differences)