Open EvanMachusak opened 10 months ago
define "Alpha": 1 day = 1 'd'
define "Beta": (1 day).unit = 'd'
is true
in both the JavaScript and Java engines.
is false
in both the JavaScript and Java engines.
My proposed fix for this problem would result in "Beta"
returning true, since we would do all unit comparisons with unit comparers, and day
would be equal to 'd'
That's right, in the current SDK Quantity I do not normalize, but I have instead introduced a system specifically for calendar durations (since they don't exist in UCUM).
public static Quantity ForCalendarDuration(decimal value, string calendarUnit)
return calendarUnit is not null
? new Quantity(value, calendarUnit, QuantityUnitSystem.CalendarDuration)
: throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(calendarUnit));
Here, we introduced a QuantityUnitSystem.CalendarDuration - which also means that this CQL Quantity type can have a system that is not UCUM.
This way, I don't have to normalize immediately, and can keep track of the "actual" unit.
Maybe we should use this system for it, which is specifically for calendar units:
Our SDK performs unit equivalency for syntactic date units by normalizing them immediately to their UCUM counterparts.
For example, CqlDate line 208
This behavior is contrary to the Author's Guide §4.2.1 Quantities.
In all cases, we should preserve the original unit and instead whenever it is required to compare units as equal or equivalent, we should invoke a not yet implemented UnitComparer that will compare UCUM and syntactic units per the specification.
Here's some CQL that could reproduce it:
In our current implementation,
Year equal to 'a'
where pursuant to the specification, it should returnfalse