Since your doing this shouldn't we take this opportunity to make this also remove the need for getting parts and building strings? This is off the top of my head so please forgive.
VersionedIdentifier .ToFileName <-- which always has the dash naming convention that we agreed on.
VersionedIdentifier .Name
VersionedIdentifier .Version
VersionedIdentifier .ToString() -- which results in the proper pipe format, but no pipe if version is null.
VersionedIdentifier .ToUri or ToCanonical("https...") which results in the full uri
_Originally posted by @richfirely in
Replace the tuple with an internal ErrorOr result type
Rather return the ErrorOr type than a string
VersionedIdentifier should be safely castable to a string if possible
as a follow-up on
Replace the tuple with an internal ErrorOr result type
Rather return the ErrorOr type than a string
VersionedIdentifier should be safely castable to a string if possible
The methods above will be extension methods