Firemaw-WoW / Firemaw

Firemaw WoW Bugtracker
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Quest: warrior lvl 50 quest not given #19

Open PCachi opened 7 years ago

PCachi commented 7 years ago

Description: I have a lvl 60 horde warrior, SkateMetal, which can't take the lvl 50 warrior quest. I need this quest to start the chain and get the trinket reward at the end. Current behavior: Tell us what happens Trainers don't have any quest to give me, and The fallen hero of the horde also don't give the next quest in chain. Expected behavior: Tell us what should happen instead Trainers should give me "A Troubled Spirit" for starting the lvl 50 chain quest or the fallen hero of the horde should give me "Warrior Kinship" quest directly. Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. I went to the warrior trainer in Ogrimar and Undercity, they dont give me the A Troubled Spirit quest
  2. I went to The Fallen Hero of the Horde in Blasted Lands to skip the first quest and ask for the Warrior Kinship quest directly. He also does not have that quest to give me
