Firm-Collective / ai-journal

This is the AI Journal app / module
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Set up logic for email verification after user signs up (use magic link from supabase or another vendor) #20

Open dave-cao opened 1 week ago

dave-cao commented 1 week ago
Lyton505 commented 1 week ago

The cheapest option seems to be Amazon far. Sendgrid is 100/day not 1K/day. If they're already using AWS then SES seems like a decent option here @dave-cao

Lyton505 commented 3 days ago

@dave-cao Do we really want to use groups in the app navigation, because it's getting a little tricky to route app links to a specific page. E.g on clicking I want users to go to the login page welcoming them, but I have to escape the 2 parentheses such that it now looks like\(auth\)/loginNewDummy and for some reason, the last bit((auth)/loginNewDummy) is getting cut off in the email sent

dave-cao commented 3 days ago

@Lyton505 Groups are useful because we don't need to but the "(auth)" portion within the url to get to the page. So to access the specific login page you would go instead of

It's a way to group pages together without having a clunkly url.