FirstLegoLeague / displaySystem

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rebuild stylesheet to separate layout from animation #12

Open Jheronymus opened 9 years ago

Jheronymus commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure to what extend this is possible, but it would be great to give users and designers a bit more freedom by separating layout and animation into different classes.

That way you should be able to add a class like 'animate_push_in' and 'animate_fade_out' to the element for easier animating.

rikkertkoppes commented 9 years ago

I bit like this?:

Also, the way angular solves this is worth a thought ( We could basically automatically add and remove classes when a status changes:

Angular also does some magic to figure out how long the animations take and when to remove the animate class. We may be able to do it a bit simpler and just remove after 5 sec or so. (should be longer than most animations, but shorter than the expected status change interval)

these classes can maybe canonically bound to the exposed api functions.

Basically, I can see two approaches

Classname denotes type of animation

This would simplify defining a bunch of classes, like in animate.css to create different styles of animation. We should maybe then use a configuration mechanism to couple the animation to events.

Next question would be whether we need to define animations per theme, or come up with a system that is independent of a theme

Classname denotes action

Like the angular example above. If we have a library with @keyframes animations, the configuration part is declaring the canonical class names (animation-show etc) and adding references to the animation names.

I like the second approach better, what are your thoughts?