FirstPersonKSP / FreeIva

Work in progress mod for Kerbal Space Program which allows getting out of your seat and moving around the vessel while on IVA.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ModuleDeployableHabitat parts visable when not deployed #372

Closed dawn0303 closed 5 months ago

dawn0303 commented 7 months ago

specifically in my mod GRAPEFRUIT, when i have undeployed hab modules I'm able to see their IVA before they are assembled repro steps:

  1. launch a vessel with multiple deployable habs and one standard crewed part
  2. go IVA in the crewed part, use freeIVA to unbuckle and walk around the hab
  3. exit IVA view
  4. undeployed habitats will now be visible

I have checked and this also happens with parts from SSPXr

dawn0303 commented 7 months ago


image of what the issue looks like

JonnyOThan commented 5 months ago

Hey @dawn0303 there was a bug preventing requireDeploy = true from working correctly in ModuleFreeIva. That's been fixed, but you still need to add it to your GRAPEFRUIT parts.

dawn0303 commented 5 months ago

thanks! will add that to the hatches

JonnyOThan commented 5 months ago

thanks! will add that to the hatches

Er it needs to go in the FreeIVA partmodule (see the referenced commit). That will prevent FreeIVA from creating the internals when the part isn't deployed.

And again, this depends on the code change so it might not appear to work unless you recompile or wait until the next FreeIVA release.

dawn0303 commented 5 months ago

oh gotcha, based on the cfg documentation i thought requireDeploy was only on hatches

JonnyOThan commented 5 months ago

Yep it's both....I really should do a pass on updating the documentation :p. It was originally just for hatches but then extended to parts as well.

In the HatchConfig it controls whether that particular hatch can open - e.g. the hatch for a shielded docking port requires that the port is opened.

In the ModuleFreeIva it prevents the internal from being created when it's not deployed. FreeIva normally forces internal creation for all parts, because by default the game will only create them if they actually have any crew.