FirstPersonKSP / FreeIva

Work in progress mod for Kerbal Space Program which allows getting out of your seat and moving around the vessel while on IVA.
GNU General Public License v2.0
22 stars 7 forks source link

MH Airlock spamming Null Reference errors when opened in editor #396

Closed StormCircuit closed 4 months ago

StormCircuit commented 4 months ago

The inflatable airlock from MH spams the console with Null Reference errors that seem to stem from FreeIVA while in the editor. This does not seem to occur in flight. It also renders a really weird IVA (see screenshot)

closed airlock 20240228232700_1

opened airlock 20240228232720_1

closed again, spam stops. 20240228232732_1

KSP log file: KSP.log

StormCircuit commented 4 months ago

it also does not update the PAW it seems (it always says 'open' airlock) though I dont know if stock works either.

JonnyOThan commented 4 months ago

Caused by KSPCF: