FirstPersonKSP / Kerbal-VR

An add-on for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) to enable virtual reality.
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Scale incorrect #261

Open Kam1ni opened 1 year ago

Kam1ni commented 1 year ago

As described in #203. Scale feels very off for me. All avionics are tiny. But most importantly the throttle and stick are so close to my chest that they're barely usable. I was using DE_IVAExpantion. But I had the same issues in ASET IVA for Making History Pods and regular EVA where the ground is way too close to my head. The biggest giveaway that the scale is off is the post-it note in the cupola. It looks like it's only 50-75% the size of a real one. Also the front control panel of the coupolla looks like it's based of the cockpit from an f-16. I was lucky to sit in a real f-16 in september so I can say with certainty that a real one is wider.

Not sure how much help the screenshots are as they don't really show scale. Unless you have a way to see the screenshots in your headset. log KSP.log

Screenshots 20230219222001_1_vr 20230219221547_1_vr 20230219221355_1_vr


JonnyOThan commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Have you tried the mk1pod from KSA IVA Upgrade? That one has probably received the most attention for VR usability. The cupola has had no tuning at all (nothing from DE_IVA has) and the mk1 cockpit very little.

Kam1ni commented 1 year ago

Apparantly I was using KSA as well. I forgot I had it installed. But same issue.

In fact I today learned that Kerbals are only 75cm tall so scale is probably not the issue. As it makes sense. In that case I can live with the small avionics. But the position of the throttle and stick is unbearable. It's so high up and so close to my body that it becomes unusable. And it's the same in every capsule/cockpit. I assume they all use the same chair model. VTOL VR had a usefull feature where you could change the possition of the stick to some extent. Would be useful here as well. Or maybe it's just my viewpoint that's in the wrong place.


JonnyOThan commented 1 year ago

Each seat in each different model actually can potentially have different eye anchor positions. That’s what #203 is about fixing.

I’m curious: are you using a female kerbal? Their eye position is much lower than the males - which, again, #203 would fix.

I wonder if your neutral position is out of whack. If you press C twice it will reset the neutral position to wherever you are. There’s a reset view button in the SteamVR ui as well. If you sit naturally and reset the view, things should be optimal. But if you feel the controls are too close, then you could lean forward, reset the view, then sit back. It’s not ideal, I know.

Kam1ni commented 1 year ago

I tried both. Female and male. There is indeed a tiny difference between the two. But not much. Pressing C twice doesn't work. Nothing happens. But using the SteamVR ui does reset it. It just not a comfortable position for me. If I raise and push my chair backwarts I can get it to a somewhat comfortable position but then comes a new issue.


Body is in the way and it's kinda annoying. Plus my head is so far back that it's outside the capsule.


I also noticed that the log file doesn't get updated when I launch ksp via steam vr. I have to launch the exe directly. So my previous log file is not usefull as it wasn't the last one. KSP.log

Also a question. Are there plans to support one of the multiplayer mods in the very distant future? I sat next to valentina in the MK2 command pod from making history and realized this would be amazing with a friend in the same cockpit. Not that KSP requires a copilot but it certainly would be cool.

JonnyOThan commented 1 year ago

Do you have any idea what your field of view is? You might be able to get it from somewhere in the SteamVR window.

Your C key might have been unbound in the settings window, or you have a mod that prevents non-iva playing (QuickIva, ThroughTheEyes can both do this IIRC). In any case it should have the same effect as the steamvr ResetView method.

I wasn't even aware that you could launch KSP directly through SteamVR. If the log file wasn't being updated, then it was probably running with an incorrect working directory. Many mods don't work correctly if you do this (I'm not sure if KerbalVR has any issues). But you probably shouldn't do that.

It looks like the JSIMainCompUnit prop (should be above the radio) is broken - you might need to update to the ASET Consolidated Props pack (this should now be available on CKAN). If it's still broken, let me know.

I'm not at all familiar with multiplayer mods, but as far as I know they only allow one player to control each vessel at a time.

Kam1ni commented 1 year ago

FOV is set to 100%. Although the slider did not do what I expected. It just drew a box around the outside of the view. The thing you get in games with free movement to prevent you from getting motion sick. I always turn that off.

I figured out a position with the reset key in steam vr that's comfortable for me. But that's a different position in EVA. In IVA it's at the back of the kerbals head. While in EVA it's at the front of his head. But I can do for now. Just really wish I could hide the Kerbals body in IVA.

I wasn't talking about launching through SteamVR but through the steam system tray icon where it lists your 5 last played games. The game worked fine launching it through there. The files like the log file just weren't getting update. That might have been the cause of the two crashes I had while experimenting now that I think of it.

I don't use CKAN. I have the props installed. Is the JSIMainCompUnit the display that says no life support installed? Cause I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for. I'm gonna be playing with IVAs in the future anyway. As I wanna try out the retro stuff I've seen in MAS.

And that's a bummer. But maybe that's gonna be something for KSP 2. It's gonna have multiplayer at some point. And in one of the dev videos a quest 2 was seen in the background if I remember correcltly. And considering you could see through the windows in the new gameplay videos that the cockpits were more detailed with more switches and avionics. Maybe this is gonna be in stock KSP 2 at some point. We can only dream XD.

JonnyOThan commented 1 year ago

Hm, but can you get the actual FOV angle?

Did you do one of the launcher workarounds? Many of those are bad advice and result in running with the wrong working directory. Details here:

Use this version of ASET Props going forward:

Kam1ni commented 1 year ago

I have looked for ages for an fov angle slider or something in SteamVR but then I came to a conclusion that it doesn't really make sense. As it's headset bound so I gave up. But as I'm using a vive with the displays as close to my eyes as possible it should be 110 degrees.

I'm indeed using a workaround. And I'll keep in mind to not do that again.

The ASET props added the JSI panel as you said. Such a usefull thing. Didn't know it existed.

Keeping everything in mind I decided to try a short Kerbin orbit and back mission using the reset eye positiion technique you mentioned earlier and honestly. I had a blast. KSP VR is the best thing to happen. Just really wish I could hide the kerbal body both in EVA and IVA as my prefered centerpoint is different in both conditions.

Also I assume the spazing out when you grab something inside the cockpit in free IVA especially in gravity is a known bug? And to a lesser extent in EVA as well? That's what #255 is for right?

JonnyOThan commented 1 year ago

The switchover to ASET Consolidated only happened recently (like, within days).

It should actually be possible to write an MM patch to remove the bodies completely...I need to go make dinner but ping me on discord if I forget.

Yeah, the grab & move flakiness is definitely known.

cardinalpepe commented 1 year ago

Had an issue like this where the buttons/screens were way to small, fixed it by enabling "Override World Scale" and setting it to a higher %. Hope this helps.

moods40 commented 10 months ago


même problème pour ma part. J'ai essayé en faisant un nouvelle installation juste avec les mods necessaire a kerbalvr et le probleme persiste

win 11 meta quest 3 steam vr
