FirstPersonKSP / reviva

KSP Revive IVA and allow editor switching*
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Check RO X-1 Cockpit #28

Open JonnyOThan opened 3 months ago

JonnyOThan commented 3 months ago

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

RO - full iva - debug

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

I've been doing some digging and it seems related to how they added their x-15 and x-1 cockpits into the game by cloning the the Mk1 and Mk1inline parts and then swapping the cockpit internals and giving the mk1CockpitInternal to their X-1(RO-x1cockpit, a modified AP+ x1cockpit), example below but you can find the rest in the SuggestedMods mods folder of RO, they've got a whole folder on Squad hidden in there. I've also noticed a pattern, it seems like any of the MAS MFD's or HUD works(think it's the MAS one, the one in DE and RPM but not ASET or KSA) Including the MAS MFD in the "DE + MAS" cockpits which along with the HUD still work while nothing else does.

+PART[Mark1Cockpit]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { @name = RO-Mk1Cockpit @title = Mk1 Cockpit @description = Two-person spaceplane cockpit. Rated for LEO reentries. @mass = 1.3 @INTERNAL { @name = mk2CockpitStandardInternals %offset = 0.0, -0.2, -0.9 } }

JonnyOThan commented 3 months ago

RO - full iva - debug logs (2).zip

Looks like you didn't enable compression on the zip file.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

lol, that's dropbox for you. I just pulled it straight from them and assumed cause it came in a zip when I tested link.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

I was doing some digging in the Reviva MM files and think I may have found an elegant solution. Modified MM file below, testing now, results to follow

Reviva/2_Backstop/ FlightComputers - modified.txt

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

It works! I'm going to continue working on a more tailored solution for RO/RP-1 because they add things like g-limits on your instruments and stuff but, if you want to push it out, I think it would be a good addition to your backstop for any mods that use cloned parts.

JonnyOThan commented 3 months ago

I was doing some digging in the Reviva MM files and think I may have found an elegant solution. Modified MM file below, testing now, results to follow

Reviva/2_Backstop/ FlightComputers - modified.txt

Can you elaborate on what the actual problem was and how this fixes it? At first glance, it looks like it would add flight computer to things that might not even have internals which wouldn’t be good.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

They are just missing either RPM or MAS computers because of the part cloning I was telling you about. I just figured if it had a command module then it would have an internal, but that's because I use probe control room so much it didn't even occur to me that there's a slight chance it might cause problems with other mods if you don't. The more tailored MM patch for RO I'm working on will hopefully put the Warbirds cockpit in their X-1 cockpit instead of the Mk1 Cockpit and also add their g limits to their internals like it does when it sucessfully adds the MAS. More tailored MM file below, now referencing INTERNAL instead of CommandModule.

GameData/Reviva/2_Backstop/ FlightComputers - tailored.txt

JonnyOThan commented 3 months ago

I'm still not sure if Reviva is the right place for this patch but I'll have to look into the details further. Like, isn't there still a problem if you don't have reviva installed?

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

I'll check and see if problem persists without Reviva, never actually tried it. If you only have one IVA installed or none that conflict then it should go to right place because RO was quite elegant about getting new parts in without actually adding part files and memory bloat. They cloned the mk1 cockpit and gave it a new name and used Textures Unlimited to edit the entire mesh and texture to make it the X-15, and then slapped the mk2 cockpit in the original, scaled it up to the mk2 size and gave it two seats.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

Yes, the ASET cockpits work without Reviva installed. I think this is because Reviva is trying to make everything run on MAS and if it can't adds original and blended by essentially, but not literally, breaking down all the cockpits and IVAs and then puts them back together in their proper place for an original and blended, RPM and MAS, versions in the case of DE_IVA, or a MAS only version if available or RPM is not required like KSA IVA.

JonnyOThan commented 3 months ago

I'll check and see if problem persists without Reviva, never actually tried it. If you only have one IVA installed or none that conflict then it should go to right place because RO was quite elegant about getting new parts in without actually adding part files and memory bloat. They cloned the mk1 cockpit and gave it a new name and used Textures Unlimited to edit the entire mesh and texture to make it the X-15, and then slapped the mk2 cockpit in the original, scaled it up to the mk2 size and gave it two seats.

That sounds fragile not elegant.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

That's because it isn't meant to be tailored for Reviva like the Reviva MM patch for RO I'm working on now, it's meant to be broad like your backstop. When a mod uses MM to clone a part and modifies it's name, Reviva has no way of handling this and at least placing the necessary flight computer MODULES for the cockpits to function, which is why half the MFDs didn't work unless they were all MAS. If you don't have Reviva installed, and another mod clones a stock part through MM, even if it modifies which internal it has, the IVA mod doesn't care and just goes and finds any part with that internal and then modifies from there; which is why they work when Reviva is not installed. The more tailored Reviva MM patch specifically for RO I'm working on will hopefully go find the cloned parts and add the necessary flight computers, and also find their custom AP+ X-1 Cockpit and replace the internals with Reviva options for the Mk.1 Cockpits and the Warbirds X-1 Cockpit if Warbirds is installed.

PubliusKerman commented 3 months ago

The reason I provided the modified backstop for submission is just in case another mod uses the same solution or RO team decides to clone another part. The modified backstop will now catch them as well so that Reviva doesn't completely break all their RPM or MAS IVAs. Work continues on the tailored RO patch, will update when I have something.