FirstToDisclose / OnlineHackathon

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Real-Time Display of Round-by-Round Input and Feedback #1

Open dazzaji opened 9 years ago

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Need a good way to glance at the then current results of inputs and feedback on a round-by-round basis. The feedback are just in the form of numeric ratings in the case of CALIhack session planned for June 20, 2015. Here is a screenshot of the current approach by Jason Walsh using a Google Spreadsheet aggregation of a tweeted hashtags are currently integrated using a Gist: gs-screen shot 2015-06-19 at 5 24 59 pm

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Personally, I think some simple open-source visualization widgets or other scripts leveraging Materia Design display of rating or other feedback data drawn from a REST based service would be ideal. Of course, this approach is harder and takes longer. As a quick-fix, I've successfully used Google Spreadsheets for this task and benefited from the high availability and well documented APIs provided by Google to achieve this. Specifically, I've seeded a Google Spreadsheet with inputs coming from Google forms on multi-round group engagements and it worked just fine provided one sorts the column(s) containing the ratings to get a quick view of how each item has been rated in the aggregate. Both prior uses of Google Spreadsheets for this were done in collaboration with Brooklyn Law School, the first being to crowd-source and rate topic ideas for a panel discussion session in the Bleak House to Geek House conference, and the second being an experimental session with a live class of about 20 law students who brainstormed an article topic, title and abstract to be published as legal news ... in exactly 5 minutes!

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Other potential approaches: