Closed kongaravinatha closed 2 months ago
DevStudio uses gitHub develop branch for dev & qa environments, stage for stage, main for prod. we might be picking the first server on the list, with is QA one.
You would need to update your yaml for each environment. One suggestion is to have one server option per environment. Not suggestion for differentiation dev & qa though.
We are maintaining only one yaml through all the environments. How do I need to seperate the server URLs for each env with same yaml?
different versions of yaml...
Do you have the sample to refer ?
have only one server in the list or move the expected server to the top of the list for each gitHub env. that would mean different yaml versions between develop, stage, main gitHub branches. it would not solve dev/qa server pick.
we do not consider it a bug. you are welcome to request a new feature, server dropdown on curl editor.
oopenapi.yaml in develop branch: servers:
stage branch: servers:
So for now we cannot render different CURL Urls in single yaml correct ? Can I raise a new feature ? is new feature created
you would still have a single yaml file. and you could set server url per gitHub branch, in a mean time, as a work around.
Do you have sample yaml for this ?
what i mean is: instead of listing 3 servers, your single yaml file would have one server set corresponding to the environment/gitHub branch. so in gitHub develop branch yaml file would have qa server as it is now (because it is the first on the list). in GitHub stage branch your yaml file would have stage server. that would be the only difference between the same yaml file in 3 gitHub branches.
No other tenant complain about that issue. I do not have a tenant to point out.
I suggest just set one server per gitHub branch corresponding to the evironment since you do not want the other two to be used anyway
Olga, we maintain single yaml and we create the PRs to deploy the single yaml to all branches.
for example:
From feature branch I make a PR to develop [which will deploy the code to dev and QA] same yaml will be moved from develop to stage and from stage to Prod.
I can't make a change in the yaml everytime we move the develop, stage and Prod environment.
Is there a possibility for the placeholders ? if I have the placeholders like dev/qa, stage, Prod ? as a feature in upcoming releases ?
closing this issue.
Fraud Mitigation
Hi Devstudio team,
This is regarding the Product: Fraud Mitigation :
We have 3 servers URLs in all our yamls as below:
For example : One of the yaml contains below servers:
url: description: QA external endpoint
url: description: DEV external endpoint
url: description: Stage/CAT external endpoint
When I check the CURL command in all the Envs, I always see only QA URL. We need to see Dev URL in Dev Environment, QA URL in QA Envrionment, Stage URL in STAGE Environment.
Expected Behaviour
We need to see Dev URL in Dev Environment, QA URL in QA Envrionment, Stage URL in STAGE Environment.
Operating system
Google chrome
Dev, QA, Stage and PROD