FishAndWasabi / YOLO-MS

YOLO-MS: Rethinking Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Real-Time Object Detection
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请问实例分割什么时候可以出来呢? #19

Open Williamwsk opened 7 months ago

Williamwsk commented 7 months ago

请问关于 YOLO-MS 的实例分割什么时候可以出来呢?

FishAndWasabi commented 4 months ago

不好意思,没有及时回复您。由于有新的工作安排,实例分割的工作我们还未整理。我们将尽快release相应的训练config和训练权重。 Sorry for the delay. Due to a new schedule, we have not yet organized the work on instance segmentation. We will release the training config and weights as soon as possible.

感谢您对我们工作的关注! Best Wishes! 😊