Fishbone-Aquatics / Aquarium-Capitalists

A game about owning an aquarium shop.
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Tests #18

Open SobieskiCodes opened 4 months ago

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

Need to test things like, can we see if we can trigger the "idle" status via an expedition event trigger. can we test if items can be added to inventory without actually adding them. can we test swapping items from inventory to / equipment, equip and unequipping without touching the players state.

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

Basic broken test files exist but don't work. Adding "react-scripts tests" to the build but you can't use it. We have a version mismatch with typescript i'll dig into later. i'd like to start a fresh environment with no build packages but i don't care enough right now and i'd like to get going on the gathering and home page.