Fishbone-Aquatics / Aquarium-Capitalists

A game about owning an aquarium shop.
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Build players store #9

Open SobieskiCodes opened 4 months ago

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

The player store will be where the player creates and operates their very own aquarium store. Here you will be able to place aquariums, store supplies and decorations for visitors - as well as purchase upgrades. You start with a small shop (the background should change) and as you buy upgraded size / space the background changes and you have a bigger grid to place items)

Items in the store include: Lucky pig (update item to be something along the lines of - place in shop to gain % upgrade permanently, does not stack - only one may apply) Store space expansion Aquariums (space / gallons) Stands / Decorations

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

Question 1: should the "map" start in the middle and just grow one layer at time per upgrade?

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

Question 2: should we require space between items? ie two rows to "walk"?

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

Question 3: do items purchased here need their own inventory? or do we force them to work with the space they've got? Can these items go in the normal inventory? can we do a right click -> move to inventory and vice versa - right click "place in shop store"?

i think if we do it the latter way it gives us room to add items as drops as well as not have to worry about multiple inventory systems. (same for the player tbh)

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

The tutorial / introduction system should be here.

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

xp / cash is granted once a day at the end of the day, by the stats of the "store" at that time.

users should be able to "assign" the type of fish in teh aquariums, whether this is total volume or tank specific im not sure yet.

so they'll needto be able to buy fish from the shop as well. shrimp 0 / 20 assigned guppies 10 / 10 assigned

total aquarium volume for fish space (better worded but): 20/20 (each guppy takes up two slots) (or maybe shrimp take .5 who etc)

heat should play a role. food should play a role

specality item should be autofeeder. (attach it to your aquarium) (omg we can have it so the items attach to the aquariums!)

filters should have a bio load they can clean daily fish should have a bioload they produce daily - this should effect your income.

heaters should have a high and low, some only doing colder rangers we should add chill boxes.

lights should have different brightness perhaps? or more coverage? im not sure what to do about these yet.

hovering over an aquarium should show all the stats ^

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

tabs could be shop -> dry goods -> / tanks -> live -> fish etc. foods -> chemicals / other goods? -> inventory -> should show heaters / filters etc that can be equipped (i think we use the right click menu here -> equip -> pick tank -> equip) stats -> show profit / xp per day. show the total amount of fish space occupied show your total fish inventory stock show quality of stats overall like feeding / water quality etc, maybe have a "display" screen that just displays them in grid with ratings/stars, idk.

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

"iron man" mode could have random events like heaters breaking / aquarium leaks / diesaese etc on top of no market lol

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

each "upgrade" of "space" should change the background and move the inventory box properly to match the background. We can start at a basement, then garage, warehouse, storefront -> (maybe increases are more than 1x1 increases since we only have 3 steps right now, though we should plan for bigger. maybe you just get "additional" warehouse space at some point? you click it and it pops up like an "inventory" you can manage over top of the current div lol)

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

fix border / placement issues including overlap & off the board.

ensure you can move / swap things around. (seems we need to rename components at this point lol, or have folders like i originally had lol)

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

fix bug when you buy the increased size where it wipes your current structure - there is no need for that :(

SobieskiCodes commented 4 months ago

we should have temps of some type perhaps even weather. We could have it pick random real temps within 5degrees or something.