FiveNinjas / SliceOS

Bug tracking for the Slice OpenELEC implementation
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Slice remote creating double presses #19

Open Bleep42 opened 9 years ago

Bleep42 commented 9 years ago

Using the Slice remote I am constantly getting double presses, ie I select a menu item and I also get a menu selection from the menu below, usually accompanied by an audible double click, from the Slice sound, not a terminal problem, but very annoying, especially when it does something you definitely didn't want.

ghollingworth commented 9 years ago

It's possible the battery needs replacing in the remote control... Can you try that?


Bleep42 commented 9 years ago

Hi Gordon, it's been doing it from the beginning and there have been other reports of the same on the forum. Battery voltage of original battery under a 1.5mA load 2.85v Battery voltage of new battery under a 1.5mA load 2.98v It makes no difference with the new battery. Regards Kevin.

Bleep42 commented 9 years ago

The main culprit is the 'OK' button, as far as I can tell the others seem to be alright, for example when I go to 'Power' on the main screen & press OK, about 1 time in 10 rather than me seeing the sub menu it will mute, ie a double press.

javiernoval commented 9 years ago

Mine is also doing double presses, and apparently it's getting worse as time passes. The "Ok" button is the worst offender, but the directional buttons also repeat a lot, specially the "Down" one. The other ones (Play/Pause, Stop...) appear to be OK, as far as I can tell (I don't use them so often).

Bleep42 commented 9 years ago

Hi Javier, I know the first thing they'll say is check the battery, so can you try with a new battery, to be sure. I personally think that all they need to do is make the key debounce longer, but currently they won't even admit there is possibly a problem. Regards Kevin.

cooltempo commented 9 years ago

That's not really fair Kevin. If you are having a problem then that is a problem! I personally can't repeat this and if the issue is getting worse over time then it is very likely not a software issue - its more likely to be a faulty remote. If you would like to send the remotes in for an exchange then thats fine! Mo

Bleep42 commented 9 years ago

Hi Mo, I didn't say it's getting worse over time, Javier said that, mine has simply always done it, it maybe that he's just noticing it more now. Thank you for the offer of a replacement, I'm also having a problem with the real time clock, please see bug report, which again apparently you can't reproduce, I have supplied debug logs for this, do you want the whole Slice? My understanding was that as an early adopter you wanted us to find & report problems so you could nip them in the bud. Regards Kevin.

cooltempo commented 9 years ago

HI Kevin.

I'd be happy to arrange a new remote to see if this solves the issue. The RTC is likely to be software - I haven't seen any issues here but doesn't meant there isn't one and yes we value the feedback. It's appreciated.

Drop me a line on to arrange a new remote to be sent out. You can drop the one you have in the post (cheapest option) so we can test it.


javiernoval commented 9 years ago

Hi Kevin, Mo,

My comment about "it getting worse" can perfectly be the "shiny new gadget" effect wearing off, thus making me noticing it more. I think it's probably better to disregard it for now :-)

I just tested a new battery today, and there were no appreciable changes. For the records, my (cheap) battery tester tells me the old one still gives 3.0 V, and 3.3 V the new one.

Mo, I'll send you an email to see if it's possible to run some other test on my side (even if I also think the software is not at fault here), or whether a replacement is an option.


sarathchandars commented 8 years ago

I'm running the latest stable release and while I experienced no issue with double presses earlier, I now find it happening more often.

m4recek commented 8 years ago

Same here with latest OS, nicely visible on this video:

dawez commented 8 years ago

@Bleep42 did you send in the old remote control ? Did the ninjas find anything wrong found with that ?

Bleep42 commented 8 years ago

Hi @dawez, I did return it, never got any feedback. The replacement was the same, so instead I re-purposed an old ir remote, which works very well, see ninjas forum, or the wiki for details. Regards Kevin.