FivespeedDoc / BMS_Project

A Banquet Management System (BMS)
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Branch Protection Update: Master Branch #12

Closed FivespeedDoc closed 1 week ago

FivespeedDoc commented 1 week ago

Effective: November 26, 2024 01:00 HKT

As @FrankYang0610 leads the completion of GUI development, he has been assigned as code owner of the master branch.

New Workflow Requirements

  1. Create a feature branch for your changes
  2. Submit a pull request to merge into master
  3. Obtain approval from @FrankYang0610 Please ensure you're working in your own feature branch moving forward. You could create your own branch if you have not done so.

@FivespeedDoc @FrankYang0610 @LesPoar @WenceXT @ZacharyRE

FivespeedDoc commented 1 week ago

Rules applied.