Closed zozotintin closed 3 years ago
Thanks for the report. GPU is hard to test for me. Could you try with this fork of FixedEffects and report to me if it solves the problem? (it should return v2.0.1 after doing ]status FixedEffects
Hi. I am sorry that between the time I reported the bug and the time you proposed the fix, the CUDA driver on the workstation died, and I don't have the root privilege to fix the driver. I am sorry the I am not able to help with testing at this moment.
Would you be able to have another look now?
I encountered the same error with the GPU, upgraded to the new version and now getting this error
julia> reg(df, @formula(Sales ~ NDI + fe(State) + fe(Year)), method=:gpu);
ERROR: type FixedEffect has no field m
[1] getproperty(::FixedEffects.FixedEffect{CuArray{UInt32,1},CuArray{Float64,1}}, ::Symbol) at ./Base.jl:33
[2] update_weights!(::FixedEffects.FixedEffectSolverGPU{Float64}, ::StatsBase.UnitWeights{Int64}) at
[3] FixedEffects.AbstractFixedEffectSolver{Float64}(::Array{FixedEffects.FixedEffect,1}, ::StatsBase.UnitWeights{Int64}, ::Type{Val{:gpu}}, ::Int64) at
[4] reg(::Any, ::FormulaTerm, ::StatsBase.CovarianceEstimator; contrasts::Dict{Symbol,Any}, weights::Nothing, save::Symbol, method::Symbol, nthreads::Int64,
double_precision::Bool, tol::Float64, maxiter::Int64, drop_singletons::Bool, progress_bar::Bool, dof_add::Int64, subset::Nothing) at
[5] top-level scope at REPL[36]:1
pkg> st FixedEffects
Status `~/Documents/Projects/Playlist Network Analysis/code/EmbeddingNetwork/Project.toml`
[c8885935] FixedEffects v2.0.1 ``
This fixes it for me:
Closing the issue --- it should now work with the master version of FixedEffects.jl. Thanks @danielw2904
When I tried the GPU example in the home page, it creates the following error
I am not sure whether this is related to #110 or not. I did
using CUDA
beforeusing FixedEffectModels
but the error persists.Version Info