FlailingFog / KK-Blender-Porter-Pack

Plugin pack for exporting Koikatsu characters to Blender.
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Various things broken in 4.0 #500

Open soup587 opened 5 months ago

soup587 commented 5 months ago

i've found a couple issues with versions above 3.6 which cause the importer to just not function correctly

FlailingFog commented 3 months ago

Thanks. It looks like two things will need to be done to at least get Blender 4.0 to work.

This addon doesn't use the auto_smooth property to my knowledge, so I don't know what could have caused that error in 4.1. The mmd_tools release page says it doesn't support 4.x yet either, so the mmd_tools importer may be using that property

S00pergang commented 2 months ago

Hey uh, will a new version be released? Is this being continued?

FlailingFog commented 2 months ago

Hey uh, will a new version be released? Is this being continued?

Short answer: I couldn't get something to work on Blender 4.0, so I haven't been working on this project for a while. I don't think anyone else is actively working on this project right now.

Longer answer: I am currently unable to make a color saturation function work on 4.0. This function uses bgl, but the bgl module was removed on 4.0. Without this function, every single color and image on the model would have to be manually corrected every time you import something, and doing that for just one model is a gigantic pain. This function needs to be rewritten to use something other than bgl.

My attempt to perform saturation with a numpy implementation either resulted in the wrong coloring or it resulted in no change to the image (I forgot which it's been a while). My attempt to perform saturation with the gpu module resulted in perfect saturation, but parts of the image became corrupted.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the gpu method because I just copy pasted the code, and don't really have the motivation to learn why it isn't working because I want to use the numpy method anyway (this method is more future-proof than the other one), but the numpy method isn't working and I don't have the motivation to learn why that isn't working because the gpu method is almost working so it's kind of a mix between incompetence, indecision, frustration and laziness as to why this hasn't been resolved yet.

The armature layers were also removed in 4.0, so those need to be fixed. I'm guessing it'll be very easy to rewrite, but I don't see a point in doing it until the color saturation is working again.

Yharim2 commented 1 month ago

Hey uh, will a new version be released? Is this being continued?

Short answer: I couldn't get something to work on Blender 4.0, so I haven't been working on this project for a while. I don't think anyone else is actively working on this project right now.

Longer answer: I am currently unable to make a color saturation function work on 4.0. This function uses bgl, but the bgl module was removed on 4.0. Without this function, every single color and image on the model would have to be manually corrected every time you import something, and doing that for just one model is a gigantic pain. This function needs to be rewritten to use something other than bgl.

My attempt to perform saturation with a numpy implementation either resulted in the wrong coloring or it resulted in no change to the image (I forgot which it's been a while). My attempt to perform saturation with the gpu module resulted in perfect saturation, but parts of the image became corrupted.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the gpu method because I just copy pasted the code, and don't really have the motivation to learn why it isn't working because I want to use the numpy method anyway (this method is more future-proof than the other one), but the numpy method isn't working and I don't have the motivation to learn why that isn't working because the gpu method is almost working so it's kind of a mix between incompetence, indecision, frustration and laziness as to why this hasn't been resolved yet.

The armature layers were also removed in 4.0, so those need to be fixed. I'm guessing it'll be very easy to rewrite, but I don't see a point in doing it until the color saturation is working again.

for the saturation issue, you could add in a middle step before importing it to blender. you could create a program that converts the original texture files and fixes the saturation. however given the way the kkbp exporter works on the koikatsu side of things having each and every texture separated based on outfits, this may be challenging. this is moreover an idea incase if you get stuck. take my advice with a grain of salt for now though.