FlailingFog / KK-Blender-Porter-Pack

Plugin pack for exporting Koikatsu characters to Blender.
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Trying to Import model from "Koikatsu" using KKBP, but I keep getting Python Traceback Errors #522

Open xxSuicidium opened 2 months ago

xxSuicidium commented 2 months ago

Title explains itself, i'm using Blender 3.6, CATS 0.19.0, KKBP v6.6.2, material-combiner-addon.


How do I fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance. : )

FlailingFog commented 1 month ago

Do you have a "KK_KKBPExporterConfig.json" file in the same directory as the pmx file? If not, check you're using the latest version of the KKBP_exporter.dll and not an older version.