FlailingFog / KK-Blender-Porter-Pack

Plugin pack for exporting Koikatsu characters to Blender.
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Feature Request: Non Uniform scaling for nipples #525

Open poisenbery opened 2 months ago

poisenbery commented 2 months ago

Currently, the shader pack uses uniform scaling for nipple UV (IE, it scales the ENTIRE nipple texture based on the scale values). The game uses a method which appears to be some type of non-uniform scaling. I don't have the exact equation, but it appears to me that KK uses the inner circle radius of the nipple textures as the point to shift the scaling. (If you zoom in on the nipple texture, you can see this inner circle).

I would be able to produce a node setup for this if someone would be kind enough to point me to the game code that contains the equation used for the nipple scaling.