FlailingFog / KK-Blender-Porter-Pack

Plugin pack for exporting Koikatsu characters to Blender.
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Is it possible to convert KKBP bones to MMD bones directly using this plugin? #559

Open NaughtDZ opened 1 month ago

NaughtDZ commented 1 month ago

My current workflow is to use plugins to import into KKBP bones, simplify armature preparation for Unity, bake light color textures, and export FBX file. Next, I need to open Unity,import FBX , fix the material, change the Animation Type of the rig to Humanoid, export the vrm file using UniVRM-0.57.1, finally convert it to pmx format using VRM2PmxConverter, and Re-import it into Blender.

The reason why I operate this way is that the file processed through the above process,the pmx model file can perfectly apply VMD format animation files directly. Although KKBP supports turning it into a rigify bone during import, this rigify bone cannot be modified into a VMD animation compatible bone through the mmdtool plugin(https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_uuunyaa_tools). Using other Retarget plugins can lead to more or less problems and lengthy workflows.

So...Is it possible to convert KKBP bones to MMD bones directly using this plugin? Perhaps it is also possible to use scripts in Blender to restore the process of bone transformation in Unity?

FlailingFog commented 1 month ago

It should be possible with a script, but I have never successfully gotten it to work. The best I've got so far is pasted below:

    #If exporting for MMD...
    if prep_type == 'C':
        #Create the empty
        bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='PLAIN_AXES', align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0))
        empty = bpy.data.objects['Empty']
        armature.parent = empty
        bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature

        #rename bones to stock
        if armature.data.bones.get('Center'):

        #then rename bones to japanese
        pmx_rename_dict = {

        for bone in pmx_rename_dict:
            armature.data.bones[pmx_rename_dict[bone]].name = bone

        #Rearrange bones to match a random pmx model I found 
        armature.data.edit_bones['左肩'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['上半身3']
        armature.data.edit_bones['右肩'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['上半身3']
        armature.data.edit_bones['左足'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['下半身']
        armature.data.edit_bones['右足'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['下半身']

        #refresh the vertex groups? Bones will act as if they're detached if this isn't done

        #combine all objects into one

        #create leg IKs?

        #use mmd_tools to convert
NaughtDZ commented 1 month ago


    #If exporting for MMD...
    if prep_type == 'C':
        #Create the empty
        bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='PLAIN_AXES', align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0))
        empty = bpy.data.objects['Empty']
        armature.parent = empty
        bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature

        #rename bones to stock
        if armature.data.bones.get('Center'):

        #then rename bones to japanese
        pmx_rename_dict = {

        for bone in pmx_rename_dict:
            armature.data.bones[pmx_rename_dict[bone]].name = bone

        #Rearrange bones to match a random pmx model I found 
        armature.data.edit_bones['左肩'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['上半身3']
        armature.data.edit_bones['右肩'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['上半身3']
        armature.data.edit_bones['左足'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['下半身']
        armature.data.edit_bones['右足'].parent = armature.data.edit_bones['下半身']

        #refresh the vertex groups? Bones will act as if they're detached if this isn't done

        #combine all objects into one

        #create leg IKs?

        #use mmd_tools to convert

I tried to think of renaming bones through scripts, but in reality, using Vrm exported from UniVRM in Unity seems to directly and intelligently replace bones with Humanoid types? https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM UniVRM is open source, but unfortunately VRM2PMXConverter does not seem to be open source software. However, it would be great if KKBP could support importing VRM standard armatures in addition to the initial Rigify.