Closed prime15n16 closed 3 months ago
the import single animations and create animation library buttons are also faded out and don't work
The animation buttons will only work if you import with the KKBP rigify armature and have the rokoko studio live addon installed. And I'm not sure why it isn't working because that card imports correctly for me.
Could you make sure you're using the KKBP_exporter.dll from this release?
Whack, I'm sure I have the right version of the exporter cuz it worked with a female card, Rokoko and rigify are enabled too. I'm gonna try redownloading the exporter and go from there, I wonder if BepinEx version might be a factor?
Welp, after trying that, it works! I don't know what was wrong with my initial character exports, but redownloading the KKBP exporter worked, and it ran the rigify script!
Trying to import this male, but it isn't finalizing and allowing me to import animations, it worked for my female character. I'm using KKBP 7.0.0 in Blender 4.2, with 3.6.9 as the older dependency, as well as the Koikatsu Sunshine Better Repack updated to include the T-Pose.
Error: Unknown python error occurred. Make sure the default model imports correctly before troubleshooting on this model!
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\prime\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\extensions\user_default\kkbp\importing\", line 74, in execute self.load_json_colors() File "C:\Users\prime\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\extensions\user_default\kkbp\importing\", line 1020, in load_json_colors self.update_shaders(json_color_data, self.lut_selection, self.lut_light, light = True) # Set light colors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\prime\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\extensions\user_default\kkbp\importing\", line 1471, in update_shaders shader_inputs['Skin color'].default_value = body_colors[0] if light else body_colors[5]