FlaminSarge / tf2attributes

TF2Attributes SourceMod plugin
48 stars 41 forks source link

Errors when importing tf2attributes.inc and compiling. #40

Closed Frenzoid closed 4 years ago

Frenzoid commented 4 years ago

Hello, im new to sourcepawn & sourcemod.

Im making a new plugin which changes each tf2 class max health, and im importing the tf2attributes.inc file on my script to use its functions, the issue comes when im trying to compile it i get errors from the imported tf2attributes.inc file.

Im compiling on Windows 10, using PowerShell and SourcePawn compiler v1.6.0:

PS A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting> .\spcomp.exe .\setclassmaxhealth.sp

SourcePawn Compiler 1.6.0
Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase, (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders, LLC

A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(16) : error 001: expected token: "(", but found "-identifier-"
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(16) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "("
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(28) : error 001: expected token: "(", but found "-identifier-"
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(28) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "("
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(39) : error 001: expected token: "(", but found "-identifier-"
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(39) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(39 -- 50) : error 001: expected token: "(", but found "-identifier-"
A:\Projects\SourcePawn\scripting\include\tf2attributes.inc(39 -- 50) : fatal error 127: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.
8 Errors.

The tf2attributes.inc is the latest file found on github releases. Im not sure if im doing something wrong, or is it the actual imported file, but just in case, heres my code:

#include <sourcemod>
#include <tf2attributes>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <tf2>
#include <tf2_stocks>

// Plugin metadata.
public Plugin:myinfo =  
    name = "[TF2] Set class max health",
    author = "MrFrenzoid",
    description = "Change default max health on each class, or all classed via incremental percentage.",
    version = "4.0",                                                             
    url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

// Declaring cvars variables that we'll use to store the cvars values and use them later.
new Handle:g_cvHEnabled;
new Handle:g_cvHMode;
new Handle:g_cvHTeam;
new Handle:g_cvHIncrement;

new Handle:g_cvHSoldier;
new Handle:g_cvHPyro;
new Handle:g_cvHSpy;
new Handle:g_cvHDemoman;
new Handle:g_cvHSniper;
new Handle:g_cvHEngineer;
new Handle:g_cvHHeavy;
new Handle:g_cvHScout;
new Handle:g_cvHMedic;

// Executed when the plugins first launches.
public OnPluginStart()
    // Creating cvars, and associating their value to each variable.
    g_cvHEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_mhenabled", "1", "Sets whether the plugin is enabled.");
    g_cvHMode = CreateConVar("sm_mhmode", "0", "Sets plugins mode, 0: sm_mhincrement = +% of the default max health for each class for everyone, 1: Custom health value for each class from each ones cvar");

    g_cvHTeam = CreateConVar("sm_mhteam", "1", "0: apply to all teams, 1: Only RED, 2: Only Blue");

    g_cvHIncrement = CreateConVar("sm_mhincrement", "0.2", "% incremented on the default maxhealth to all classes");

    g_cvHSoldier = CreateConVar("sm_mhsoldier", "200", "Sets Soldiers max health");
    g_cvHPyro = CreateConVar("sm_mhpyro", "200", "Sets Pyros max health");
    g_cvHSpy = CreateConVar("sm_mhspy", "200", "Sets Spys  max health");
    g_cvHDemoman = CreateConVar("sm_mhdemoman", "200", "Sets Demomans max health");
    g_cvHSniper = CreateConVar("sm_mhsniper", "200", "Sets Sniers max health");
    g_cvHEngineer = CreateConVar("sm_mhengineer", "200", "Sets Engineers max health");
    g_cvHHeavy = CreateConVar("sm_mhheavy", "200", "Sets Heavys max health");
    g_cvHScout = CreateConVar("sm_mhscout", "200", "Sets Scouts max health");
    g_cvHMedic = CreateConVar("sm_mhmedic", "200", "Sets Medics max health");

    // Autogenerates a config file on cfg/sourcemod.
    AutoExecConfig(true, "setclassmaxhealth");

    // Hook an event, when the event "player_spawn" triggers, call the function Event_PlayerRespawn.
    HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerRespawn);

// Executed when the player event "player_spawn" gets triggered.
public Action:Event_PlayerRespawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    // If the plugin is off, just continue.
    //  return plugin didn't change gameplay state.
    if (!GetConVarBool(g_cvHEnabled))
            return Plugin_Continue;

    // Get client's index number.
    new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

    // Hook the max health to said client, and when done, callback OnGetMaxHealth.
    //  returns callback's value.
    return Action:SDKHook(client, SDKHook_GetMaxHealth, OnGetMaxHealth);

public Action:OnGetMaxHealth(client, &maxhealth) 
    // Get players class and team.
    new TFClassType:PlayerClass = TF2_GetPlayerClass(client);
    new TFTeam:PlayerTeam = TFTeam:GetClientTeam(client);

    // If the player is from any other team that g_cvHTeam is setted to, dont do anything.
    //  Return plugin didn't change gameplay state.
    if ((GetConVarInt(g_cvHTeam) == 1 && PlayerTeam != TFTeam_Red) || (GetConVarInt(g_cvHTeam) == 2 && PlayerTeam != TFTeam_Blue))
        return Plugin_Continue;

    // Depending on the mode, set everyones max hp depending on g_cvHIncrement's %, or set each class specifically its own max health based on the cvars.
    // If mode is 0:
    if (!GetConVarBool(g_cvHMode))
        // incremental percentage formula: (sm_mhincrement * Max HP) + Max HP
        //  example: sm_mhincrement = 0.2, Max HP = 100 | (0.2 * 100) + 100 = 20 + 100 = 120.
        //  % calculations must be done on float, since theres a slight change that sm_mhincrement * Max HP might return decimals.
        new Float:new_maxHealth = (float(maxhealth) * GetConVarFloat(g_cvHIncrement)) + float(maxhealth);

        // SDK_Hooks method.
        // maxhealth = RoundFloat(new_maxHealth);

        // TF2Attributes method.
        TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", new_maxHealth);

    // If mode is 1:
    {   // Depending on the player's class, set a different value for their max health.
            case TFClass_Heavy:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHHeavy));
            case TFClass_Soldier:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHSoldier));
            case TFClass_Pyro:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHPyro));
            case TFClass_Spy:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHSpy));
            case TFClass_Sniper:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHSniper));
            case TFClass_DemoMan:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHDemoman));
            case TFClass_Scout:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHScout));
            case TFClass_Engineer:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHEngineer));
            case TFClass_Medic:
                TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "max health additive bonus", GetConVarInt(g_cvHMedic));

    // Return plugin changed gameplay state.
    return Plugin_Changed;

Best regards, and sorry for the inconveniences!

MAGNAT2645 commented 4 years ago

Why 1.6.0? There's 1.10 with a lot of cool features.

Frenzoid commented 4 years ago

Why 1.6.0? There's 1.10 with a lot of cool features.


Compiling using the newer version works, i have no idea how i ended up using that version tbh.

MAGNAT2645 commented 4 years ago

Also, as a little advice, you can use tools like BasicPawn or SPCode. They make SourcePawn coding little easier for you.

Frenzoid commented 4 years ago

Oh! that looks cool! For now im using vscode with the sourcepawn extension, i'll give SPCode a try, seems quite complete! If you have any other advice im all ears, since im new at sourcepawn i'd love to hear any kind of help. ^.^