FlamingLotusGirls / Serenity

Things related to our flaming fireflies
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Backend design: whence the APIs? #2

Open ziz opened 5 years ago

ziz commented 5 years ago

Currently we are contemplating having

There exist initial API routes in the Node backend (and in design.txt, which we want to go away).

Most (all?) of these seem likely to end up being implemented as either "call the same API in the Python backend" or "call a slightly different API in the Python backend".

Advantage: This lets the Node app stand alone for development and testing.

Disadvantage: We have to duplicate all the interfaces and contracts for APIs we're calling in JS and Python. We can't even keep them consistent (I am not free from sin) between design.txt and api.js; Ada Lovelace help us if we have actual implementations to keep consistent, especially ~if~ when we need to debug on-playa.

Assuming I'm not missing something there, I propose cutting out the middleman; define APIs in the Python backend and call to them directly where possible.

Thoughts/concerns/alternate proposals?

cstigler commented 5 years ago

@ziz I think my understanding of the current plan was different, so thank you for raising this!

My thought had been that there would be one server that takes requests from the Vue frontend and then communicates out to the various controllers. I don't see the point in separating that into two servers (sounds like you don't either).

My thought had been that the Node server would be that (the single backend that supports the Vue frontend and then communicates out).

If you'd like to get rid of Node and make it a Python server instead, that's fine with me as long as you're writing all of the backend code! I am much more competent with Node than Python so would prefer it if I'm expecting to write much there.

ziz commented 5 years ago

Hurrah for finding communication fails early!

If I'm understanding correctly, you (@cstigler) were envisioning something like (rendered):

  digraph G {
    human -> vue [weight=8,label="Click something"];

    vue -> nodejs [label="HTTP (REST)"];
    nodejs -> firepy [label="sockets/http?"];
    nodejs -> ledpy [label="sockets/http?"];
    nodejs -> soundpy [label="sockets/http?"];

    firepy -> rpis [label="multicast - bang?"];
    ledpy -> rpis [label="multicast - NOT bang?"];
    soundpy -> rpis [label="multicast - NOT bang?"];

    human [shape=box,label="Human"];
    subgraph cluster_admin_rpi {
        label="Admin RPi";
        vue [label="Vue page"];
        nodejs [label="Node JS app"];
        firepy [label="Fire controller py app"];
        ledpy [label="LED controller py app"];
        soundpy [label="Sound controller py app"];
    rpis [label="Arduinos / poofer boards / sound controllers / etc in sculpture"];

Is that reasonably accurate?

I am roughly proposing (rendered):

  digraph G {
    human -> vue [weight=8,label="Click something"];

    vue -> firepy [label="HTTP (REST)"];
    vue -> ledpy [label="HTTP (REST)"];
    vue -> soundpy [label="HTTP (REST)"];

    vue -> nodejs [label="HTTP (REST)",weight=2];

    firepy -> rpis [label="multicast - bang?"];
    ledpy -> rpis [label="multicast - NOT bang?"];
    soundpy -> rpis [label="multicast - NOT bang?"];

    human [shape=box,label="Human"];
    subgraph cluster_admin_rpi {
        label="Admin RPi";
        subgraph javascript {
            nodejs [label="Node JS app PROBABLY UNNEEDED",group="app"];
            vue [label="Vue page",group="app"];
        firepy [label="Fire controller py app"];
        ledpy [label="LED controller py app"];
        soundpy [label="Sound controller py app"];
    rpis [label="Arduinos / poofer boards / sound controllers / etc in sculpture"];


(Where I have said the node JS app is "probably unneeded", possibly what I mean is "I don't know if it is more pragmatic for it to do aggregation of calls to the py controllers or for that to happen on the front end, but it shouldn't just be passing an essentially unmodified request from the front end to the py controllers)

cstigler commented 5 years ago

Ah, I see. Yep, your top diagram captures what I was envisioning pretty accurately. It looks like the main change in your proposal is that we entirely eliminate a single centralized controller, and instead talk directly to each individual controller.

I'm mostly fine either way, but want to note a few tradeoffs of eliminating the central controller:

I suspect @cswales may have some wise thoughts from past experience...

ziz commented 5 years ago

You make good arguments in favor of the top diagram (having an admin server to be at least a thin wrapper), but I'm still concerned about defining essentially identical API interfaces twice.

I suppose it also depends somewhat on what the flame/sound/light controllers look like.

In Noetica, it appears that the flame controller was also the primary static content/UI webserver, which had passthrough routes to the hydraulics controller (which was itself a UI/app-facing web server itself - but without static content, just API routes).

We could possibly make more aggressive use of passthrough routes on the Node app? Say, let everything under /flames/ get handed off to the flame controller (possibly with a little bit of wrapping on the Node side to support the Vue interface), and likewise for /lights/ and /sound/.

cstigler commented 5 years ago

Yep, that sounds like a good plan to me! Still requires that all servers send equivalently-formatted responses, but I imagine that's not too much work.

cswales commented 5 years ago

I'm in favor of having each of the servers send out their own REST responses. Fewer interfaces to define, and fewer layers, as Justin points out. (I'm also smarting from having badly miscalculated on how much time multiple layers of interfaces was going to take me on last year's project, Charlie's Crown. I do not want to spend hours on the playa plumbing the same functionality through three layers of interfaces ever again.) Remember though, that there are multiple LED controllers and sound controllers, so there's going to have to be considerably more than three calls made to get global status. But - it's a local wired network, so you're pretty much guaranteed of getting a response very quickly. (There's only one flame controller, and there's only one firefly-led controller. Those will both probably live on the same pi as the webserver, but if everyone communicates with REST, who really cares?)