Flank / flank

:speedboat: Massively parallel Android and iOS test runner for Firebase Test Lab
Apache License 2.0
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Flakes attribute never set correctly in FullJunitReport.xml #2504

Open AaronMT opened 3 weeks ago

AaronMT commented 3 weeks ago
<testsuite name="Pixel2.arm-30-en_US-portrait" tests="462" failures="1" flakes="0" errors="0" skipped="0" time="10277.484" timestamp="2024-06-23T06:02:53" hostname="localhost">
    <testcase name="verifyButtonTest" classname="org.app.verifyButtonTestTest" time="0.222" flaky="true">

Shouldn't flakes attribute be 1 in this case? This is with v23.10.1.

Our Flank config specifies num-flaky-test-attempts: 1 with full-junit-result: true under the Flank section.