FlareSolverr / FlareSolverr

Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection
MIT License
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Loop on 'Verify your are human' #1172

Closed LoicBrison closed 1 month ago

LoicBrison commented 1 month ago

Have you checked our README?

Have you followed our Troubleshooting?

Is there already an issue for your problem?

Have you checked the discussions?


- FlareSolverr version: latest
- Last working FlareSolverr version: latest
- Operating system: UnRaid
- Are you using Docker: [yes/no] yes
- FlareSolverr User-Agent (see log traces or / endpoint): Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- Are you using a VPN: [yes/no] yes
- Are you using a Proxy: [yes/no] no
- Are you using Captcha Solver: [yes/no] no
- If using captcha solver, which one: 
- URL to test this issue: https://yggtorrent.cool/


Try to connect to yggtorrent but looping on :

I see another issue like this but no found fixe

Logged Error Messages

2024-05-02 08:46:12 ERROR    ReqId 22718133335808 Error: Error solving the challenge. Timeout after 10.0 seconds.
2024-05-02 08:46:12 DEBUG    ReqId 22718133335808 Response => POST /v1 body: {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Error: Error solving the challenge. Timeout after 10.0 seconds.', 'startTimestamp': 1714632361707, 'endTimestamp': 1714632372452, 'version': '3.3.17'}
2024-05-02 08:46:12 INFO     ReqId 22718133335808 Response in 10.745 s
2024-05-02 08:46:12 INFO     ReqId 22718133335808 POST http://localhost:8191/v1 500 Internal Server Error

