Flash-X / Workflows

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Couldn't open the hdf5_plt files of FlowBoiling 2D case #1

Closed srzhang90s closed 1 week ago

srzhang90s commented 3 weeks ago

Dear Authors, Thank you so much for your sharing. Such a wonderful work. I'm trying to reproduce the 2D flow boiling case. I followed every step of your workflow, and I didn't change any parameter in flash.par. I run it in parallel with 4 processors. However, when I tried to open the output files with VisIt 3.4.1, it would give the error messages with all relevant readers. I also tried using the command line option -assume_format |flashx|, for example, "_visit -o ./INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_plt_cnt_0005 -assumeformat |flashx|", it didn't work either. Could you please give me some clue? Thank you so much.

Best regards, Shawn

akashdhruv commented 3 weeks ago

Continued from here...

Its the contours of temperature temp and the lines represent zero level of the distance function fun

srzhang90s commented 3 weeks ago

Continued from here...

Its the contours of temperature temp and the lines represent zero level of the distance function fun

Dear Akash, Thank you so much for your kind reply. It's good to know that. I may have a further question about the zero level of the distance function, which might be related to the hdf5 file type I'm unfamiliar with. For the hdf5+xdmf combination converted by Flashkit, can't the contour filter be used when it is read by ParaView? So the zero-level-dfun lines were created by Threshold filter? Thank you. I hope these questions of mine don't bother you too much. Look forward to your reply.

Best, Shawn

akashdhruv commented 3 weeks ago


You need to use merge blocks and interpolate cell to point data filter to be able to use contour filter in paraview.


srzhang90s commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Akash, Thank you for your patient answer. Yes, I got the Contour filter activated. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to create the line with the Contour filter, I even could not extract any isosurfaces(also for other variables) within the valid range. I only got the line using the Threshold filter. Do you have any idea how to get isosurfaces with a Contour filter? Thanks a lot.

akashdhruv commented 3 weeks ago


I am not a paraview expert unfortunately. The solution in my previous comment i.e. applying merge blocks filter and then the cell data to point data filter has been working for me for both 2D and 3D simulation. If you are still facing issues these then maybe your paraview version is an issue (I am using 5.10.0).

I would suggest asking questions on the paraview repository page for a solution to your specific issue. I am happy to answer any other questions you may have related to Flash-X.

srzhang90s commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Akash, Thank you for your quick reply. Sure, I will try another version of ParaView. Thank you once again.

Best, Shawn

srzhang90s commented 2 weeks ago


I am not a paraview expert unfortunately. The solution in my previous comment i.e. applying merge blocks filter and then the cell data to point data filter has been working for me for both 2D and 3D simulation. If you are still facing issues these then maybe your paraview version is an issue (I am using 5.10.0).

I would suggest asking questions on the paraview repository page for a solution to your specific issue. I am happy to answer any other questions you may have related to Flash-X.

Hello Akash, I hope you are doing well. I have a new question for the FlowBoiling 2D case. Is this simulating the flow boiling of a real fluid? I don't understand why the saturation temperature is only 0.20. Thank you so much.

Best, Shawn

akashdhruv commented 2 weeks ago

All the quantities are made dimensionless using properties of the fluid. The temperature is scaled using the following relationship,

T_scaled = (T_real-T_bulk)/(T_wall-T_bulk)

You should read some of my papers to get a better understanding of the physics:


srzhang90s commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, I get it. Thank you again for your reply.

srzhang90s commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Akash, I hope you are doing well. I'm sorry I have to bother you again. I have a question about restarting one simulation. I tried the 3d case but with fewer timesteps. The ending part of the log is as the following picture shows: endingLog Could you please let me know how I can restart the simulation from checkpoint 31 properly? I made some changes in the parameter setting file, but the simulation restarted from the beginning. Thank you so much. par I look forward to your reply.

Best, Shawn

akashdhruv commented 2 weeks ago

This should work. If your simulation starts from the beginning again then you are probably not using the updated parfile.

srzhang90s commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Akash, Thank you for your reply. By "not using the updated par file", do you mean I also need to restart _python3 flow_boiling_htr.py_ to build a new hdf5 heater file first, then restart the ./flashx? Otherwise, I don't understand how it's not using the updated par file. Thank you so much.

akashdhruv commented 2 weeks ago

No. I am just wondering if you are using the same parfile you are updating... From the looks of your setup, the restart should work.

akashdhruv commented 2 weeks ago

Can you share your complete parfile here?

srzhang90s commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Akash, Thank you so much for your quick reply. Yes, please see the updated parfile as follows.

#   Runtime parameters for the Flow Boiling problem.
gr_pmRpDivergenceFree = 1
gr_pmRpNfieldDivf = 2
gr_pmRpConsvFluxes = .TRUE.
gr_pmRpConsvFluxDensities = .FALSE.

# Settings for guard cell filling
gr_bcEnableApplyMixedGds = .FALSE.
convertToConsvdForMeshCalls = .FALSE.
convertToConsvdInMeshInterp = .FALSE.
enableMaskedGCFill = .FALSE.

# Inverse of Reynolds Number
ins_invReynolds   = .004

# 1/Fr**2, Fr (Froude Number)
ins_gravY           = -1.0

# Gas density and viscosity scaled by liquid
mph_rhoGas  = 0.005
mph_muGas   = 0.02
mph_iPropSmear = 1.0

# Gas thermal conductivity and specific heat
mph_thcoGas = 0.2
mph_CpGas   = 0.8

# Stefan number and saturation temperature
mph_Stefan  = 0.50
mph_Tsat    = 0.20

# Inverse Weber Number
mph_invWeber = 1.0

# Prandtl number
ht_Prandtl = 8.0

# Heater parameters
sim_nucSeedRadius =  0.1 # Re-nucleation seed size
sim_numHeaters    =  1   # Number of heaters
sim_heaterName    = "3d_fb"
sim_heaterShowInfo = .FALSE.

# Outlet parameters
sim_outletBuffer = 2.0 # Outlet Buffer

#       Grid dimensionality and geometry
geometry    = "cartesian"

#       Size of computational volume
#       Size of computational volume
xmin        = -24.0
xmax        =  24.0
ymin        =  0.0
ymax        =  15.0
zmin            = -7.5
zmax            =  7.5

#       Boundary conditions
xl_boundary_type = "inflow_ins"
xr_boundary_type = "outflow_ins"
yl_boundary_type = "noslip_ins"
yr_boundary_type = "slip_ins"
zl_boundary_type = "slip_ins"
zr_boundary_type = "slip_ins"

#       Simulation (grid, time, I/O) parameters
run_comment = "Flow Boiling problem"
log_file    = "INS_Flow_Boiling.log"
basenm      = "INS_Flow_Boiling_"
restart         = .true.
nend            = 20000000
tmax            = 80.
ins_cflFlg      = 1
ins_cfl         = 0.05
ins_sigma   = 0.05
ins_dtSpec      = 0.1d-3
dtinit          = 0.1d-3
tstep_change_factor = 1.01
ins_pressureCorrect = .false.

#Integration Scheme:
ins_intSchm            = 2

plot_var_1  = "pres"
plot_var_2      = "velx"
plot_var_3      = "vely"
plot_var_4      = "dfun"
plot_var_5      = "temp"  
plot_var_6      = "dust"

checkpointFileNumber = 31
checkpointFileIntervalTime = 0.5
checkpointFileIntervalStep = 5000

plotFileNumber = 92
plotFileIntervalTime = 0.1
plotFileIntervalStep = 1000
ignoreForcedPlot = .TRUE.

# AMR parameters
nblockx = 96
nblocky = 30
nblockz = 30
nfres   = 10000000

lrefine_min       = 1
lrefine_max       = 1

#   Flux Conservation for AMR
flux_correct    = .true.

# AMReX Poisson Solver Parameters
gr_amrexMG_composite_solve = ".TRUE."
gr_amrexMG_Tol = 1e-13
gr_amrexMG_max_iter = 1000

# HYPRE Poisson Solver Parameters
gr_hyprePrintSolveInfo = ".FALSE."
gr_hyprePcType = "HYPRE_AMG"
gr_hypreSolverType = "HYPRE_BICGSTAB"
gr_hypreRelTol = 1.0e-12
gr_hypreFloor  = 1.0e-16
akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

This should work. Can you share your full shell output during restart?

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

This should work. Can you share your full shell output during restart? Hello Akash, Thank you for your reply. Yes, please see the log file like this

No protocol specified
No protocol specified
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_pmRpDivergenceFree"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_pmRpNfieldDivf"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_pmRpConsvFluxes"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_pmRpConsvFluxDensities"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "ins_intSchm"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "nfres"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_hyprePrintSolveInfo"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_hyprePcType"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_hypreSolverType"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_hypreRelTol"...
RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gr_hypreFloor"...
[gr_amrexInit] Starting
Initializing AMReX (24.08)...
MPI initialized with 32 MPI processes
MPI initialized with thread support level 0
AMReX (24.08) initialized
Successfully read inputs file ... 
[gr_amrexInit] Finished
WARNING : Adaptive Grid did not find any refinement variables
Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:
lrefine          dx              dy              dz
1             0.031           0.031           0.031
MaterialProperties initialized
Source terms initialized
sim_gravX=   0.0000000000000000     
sim_gravY=  -1.0000000000000000     
sim_gravZ=   0.0000000000000000     
sim_numHeaters=           1
sim_nucSeedRadius=  0.10000000000000001     
sim_inletSink =   -1.0000000000000000     
sim_inletBuffer =   1.0000000000000000     
sim_inletGrowthRate =   4.0000000000000000     
Inlet Flag Low  =           1           0           0
Inlet Flag High =           0           0           0
sim_outletSink=  -1.0000000000000000     
sim_outletBuffer=  0.10000000000000001     
sim_outletGrowthRate=   4.0000000000000000     
Outlet Flag Low  =           0           0           0
Outlet Flag High =           1           0           0
Creating new distribution map on level: 0
Created and initialized        100 blocks on level 1
gr_amrexMG_composite_solve   = T
gr_amrexMG_max_iter          =        1000
gr_amrexMG_linop_maxorder    =           2
gr_amrexMG_Tol               =   1.0000000000000000E-013
Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
Ready to call Hydro_init
Hydro initialized
mph_rhoGas=   5.0000000000000001E-003
mph_muGas=   2.0000000000000000E-002
mph_invWeber=   1.0000000000000000     
mph_Tsat=  0.20000000000000001     
mph_thcoGas=  0.20000000000000001     
mph_CpGas=  0.80000000000000004     
mph_iPropSmear=   1.0000000000000000     
mph_Stefan=  0.50000000000000000     
mph_lsIt=           2
mph_extpIt=           5
mph_invReynolds=   4.0000000000000001E-003
mph_Prandtl=   8.0000000000000000     
ins_cfl   =   5.0000000000000003E-002
ins_isgs  =           0
ins_invReynolds =   4.0000000000000001E-003
ins_sigma =   5.0000000000000003E-002
ins_dtSpec=   1.0000000000000000E-004
ins_velProlongMethod=           1
ins_rhoGas=   5.0000000000000001E-003
ins_muGas=   2.0000000000000000E-002
IncompNS: Pressure Boundary Conditions
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           1           1
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -24           3
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           2           1
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -26           2
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           1           2
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -21           3
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           2           2
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -22           3
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           1           3
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -22           3
LOW-HIGH,AXIS=           2           3
ins_domainBC(ibound,idimn), ins_pressureBC(ibound,idimn) =         -22           3
ht_Twall_high   =   1.0000000000000000     
ht_Twall_low    =   0.0000000000000000     
ht_Prandtl      =   8.0000000000000000     
ht_Tsat         =  0.20000000000000001     
ht_Tbulk        =   0.0000000000000000     
ht_invReynolds  =   4.0000000000000001E-003
ht_thcoGas      =  0.20000000000000001     
ht_CpGas        =  0.80000000000000004     
Gravity initialized
Initial dt verified
arrays freed
*** Wrote checkpoint file to INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_chk_0000 ****
*** Wrote grid data to INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_grd_0000 ****
*** Wrote plotfile to INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****
Initial plotfile written
Driver init all done
INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
n          t         dt  (         x,          y,          z) |  dt_INS   
1 0.0000E+00 1.0100E-04  ( -7.67    ,  0.328    ,  -2.17    ) |  6.104E-03
Outlet Liq Velocity LOW,   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
Outlet Liq Velocity HIGH,   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
Outlet Gas Velocity LOW,   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
Outlet Gas Velocity HIGH,   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
Total Gas Volume:    17.202362060546875     
Calling multigrid solve, maxlev           0
MLMG: # of AMR levels: 1
# of MG levels on the coarsest AMR level: 6
MLMG: Initial rhs               = 587095.9422
MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 587095.9422
MLMG: Iteration   1 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.005237458611
MLMG: Iteration   2 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.0001599469602
MLMG: Iteration   3 Fine resid/bnorm = 8.455964202e-06
MLMG: Iteration   4 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.545749465e-07
MLMG: Iteration   5 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.439625766e-08
MLMG: Iteration   6 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.365742651e-09
MLMG: Iteration   7 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.322538001e-10
MLMG: Iteration   8 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.304505798e-11
MLMG: Iteration   9 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.30793581e-12
MLMG: Iteration  10 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.329875527e-13
MLMG: Iteration  11 Fine resid/bnorm = 6.367997964e-14
MLMG: Final Iter. 11 resid, resid/bnorm = 3.738625765e-08, 6.367997964e-14
MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.906193745 Iter = 0.865423463 Bottom = 0.009073208
      Min , Max  U =  -23.6191       26.1593    
      Min , Max  V =  -37.2166       37.6467    
      Min , Max  W =  -21.7106       20.6465    
      Min , Max  P =  0.870556       878.156    

Min , Max Divergence = -0.326293E-09 0.755203E-09

      Min , Max  T = -0.114470E-28  0.924601    

 1, TimeStep=   0.10100000E-03, SimTime=   0.10100000E-03

############################################################################### n t dt ( x, y, z) | dt_INS
1 1.0100E-04 4.1504E-05 ( -7.67 , 0.328 , -2.17 ) | 4.150E-05 Outlet Liq Velocity LOW, 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Outlet Liq Velocity HIGH, 1.1712143727680380 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000

Outlet Gas Velocity LOW, 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Outlet Gas Velocity HIGH, 2.7332626776430949E-017 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000

Total Gas Volume: 17.200897216796875

Calling multigrid solve, maxlev 0 MLMG: # of AMR levels: 1

of MG levels on the coarsest AMR level: 6

MLMG: Initial rhs = 592942.2205 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 592942.2205 MLMG: Iteration 1 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.005621783236 MLMG: Iteration 2 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.0001477571372 MLMG: Iteration 3 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.439989066e-05 MLMG: Iteration 4 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.383152635e-06 MLMG: Iteration 5 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.348278545e-07 MLMG: Iteration 6 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.324153631e-08 MLMG: Iteration 7 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.309653069e-09 MLMG: Iteration 8 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.302831755e-10 MLMG: Iteration 9 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.302267098e-11 MLMG: Iteration 10 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.306904386e-12 MLMG: Iteration 11 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.315763381e-13 MLMG: Iteration 12 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.328209276e-14 MLMG: Final Iter. 12 resid, resid/bnorm = 7.875513575e-09, 1.328209276e-14 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.963443313 Iter = 0.930862067 Bottom = 0.009638986 7.8755135746177984E-009

      Min , Max  U =  -22.6645       26.0183    
      Min , Max  V =  -27.4936       30.8327    
      Min , Max  W =  -21.2522       19.5358    
      Min , Max  P =   1.96358       1606.33    

Min , Max Divergence = -0.653678E-10 0.281331E-10

      Min , Max  T = -0.244398E-03  0.924686    

 2, TimeStep=   0.41504338E-04, SimTime=   0.14250434E-03

############################################################################### 2 1.4250E-04 4.1919E-05 ( -7.67 , 0.328 , -2.17 ) | 5.068E-05 Outlet Liq Velocity LOW, 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Outlet Liq Velocity HIGH, 1.1098025736617041 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000

Outlet Gas Velocity LOW, 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Outlet Gas Velocity HIGH, 4.6817086161877491E-017 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000

Total Gas Volume: 17.198272705078125

Calling multigrid solve, maxlev 0 MLMG: # of AMR levels: 1

of MG levels on the coarsest AMR level: 6

MLMG: Initial rhs = 587465.3789 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 587465.3789 MLMG: Iteration 1 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.006653038974 MLMG: Iteration 2 Fine resid/bnorm = 0.0002262480703 MLMG: Iteration 3 Fine resid/bnorm = 2.187998968e-05 MLMG: Iteration 4 Fine resid/bnorm = 2.091097143e-06 MLMG: Iteration 5 Fine resid/bnorm = 2.027289478e-07 MLMG: Iteration 6 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.981898283e-08 MLMG: Iteration 7 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.952813262e-09 MLMG: Iteration 8 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.936693604e-10 MLMG: Iteration 9 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.931154501e-11 MLMG: Iteration 10 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.93417575e-12 MLMG: Iteration 11 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.944273671e-13 MLMG: Iteration 12 Fine resid/bnorm = 1.960444279e-14 MLMG: Final Iter. 12 resid, resid/bnorm = 1.151693141e-08, 1.960444279e-14 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.962482771 Iter = 0.931951983 Bottom = 0.009396352 1.1516931408550590E-008

      Min , Max  U =  -27.1021       30.2553    
      Min , Max  V =  -33.6409       33.9653    
      Min , Max  W =  -24.2042       22.4221    
      Min , Max  P =   2.91702       2179.48    

Min , Max Divergence = -0.965501E-10 0.414328E-10

      Min , Max  T = -0.625665E-03  0.9247  
akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

Can you send the .log file that is generated in the restart run? Additionally the warning related to No Protocol Specified is something that I am not familiar with. You may want to investigate that.

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, It seems that there wasn't a new generated INS_Flow_Boiling.log when I restarted the simulation. I don't think No Protocol Specified is related to our problem, it also appeared when I did simulations with other software using the remote PC. Thank you so much.

akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

you can look at the log file yourself and see if the runtime parameter for restart is actually being set to true.

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, I removed the previous INS_Flow_Boiling.log and restarted the simulation, the new .log is like this:

 FLASH log file:  09-03-2024  23:53:38.623    Run number:  1
 Number of MPI tasks:                 32
 MPI version:                          3
 MPI subversion:                       1
 Dimensionality:                       3
 Max Number of Blocks/Proc:          500
 Number x zones:                      16
 Number y zones:                      16
 Number z zones:                      16
 Setup stamp:     Mon May 9 12:45:07 2022
 Build stamp:     dim. août 25 13:49:41 2024
 System info:     Linux sedona 5.13.0-40-generic #45~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 4 09:38:31 UTC 202
 Version:         Flash-X                                                                         
 Build directory: /home/sren/object
 Setup syntax:    /home/akash/Desktop/Akash/Workbench/Flash-X/bin/setup.py -portable incompFlow/FlowBoiling -auto -3d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 -nzb=16 -maxblocks=500 +parallelIO IOWriteGridFiles=True SimForceInout=True -site=sedona +amrex
 f compiler flags: /bin/h5pfc -I/home/sren/amrex/tmp_install_dir/include -DH5_USE_18_API -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DINDEXREORDER -DMAXBLOCKS=500 -DNXB=16 -DNYB=16 -DNZB=16 -DN_DIM=3
 c compiler flags:    /bin/h5pcc -I/home/sren/amrex/tmp_install_dir/include -Werror=return-type -g -O3 -finline-limit=43210 -std=c++17 -pthread -DH5_USE_18_API -c -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DINDEXREORDER -DMAXBLOCKS=500 -DNXB=16 -DNYB=16 -DNZB=16 -DN_DIM=3
 Comment:  Flow Boiling problem
 FLASH Units used:

bndpriorityone              =          1
bndprioritythree            =          3
bndprioritytwo              =          2
checkpointfileintervalstep  =       5000 [CHANGED]
checkpointfilenumber        =          0
dr_abortpause               =          2
dr_dtminbelowaction         =          1
drift_break_inst            =          0
drift_trunc_mantissa        =          2
drift_verbose_inst          =          0
fileformatversion           =          9
forcedplotfilenumber        =          0
gr_amrexmg_cg_verbose       =          0
gr_amrexmg_linop_maxorder   =          2
gr_amrexmg_max_fmg_iter     =          0
gr_amrexmg_max_grid_size    =         16
gr_amrexmg_max_iter         =       1000 [CHANGED]
gr_amrexmg_max_level        =          1
gr_amrexmg_n_cell           =         32
gr_amrexmg_prob_type        =          1
gr_amrexmg_ref_ratio        =          2
gr_amrexmg_verbose          =          2
gr_amrex_verbosity          =          1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9       =         -1
gr_restrictallmethod        =          3
gr_sanitizedatamode         =          4
gr_tilesizex                =         16
gr_tilesizey                =         16
gr_tilesizez                =         16
iprocs                      =          1
ins_cflflg                  =          1
ins_isgs                    =          0
ins_velprolongmethod        =          1
interpol_order              =          2
jprocs                      =          1
kprocs                      =          1
lrefine_del                 =          0
lrefine_max                 =          1
lrefine_min                 =          1
max_particles_per_blk       =        100
memory_stat_freq            =     100000
meshcopycount               =          1
min_particles_per_blk       =          1
mph_extpit                  =          5
mph_lsit                    =          2
nbegin                      =          1
nblockx                     =         32 [CHANGED]
nblocky                     =         10 [CHANGED]
nblockz                     =         10 [CHANGED]
nend                        =    2500000 [CHANGED]
nrefs                       =          2
nsteptotalsts               =          5
outputsplitnum              =          1
plotfileintervalstep        =       1000 [CHANGED]
plotfilenumber              =          0
refine_var_count            =          4
rolling_checkpoint          =      10000
sim_numheaters              =          1
sweeporder                  =        123
wr_integrals_freq           =          1
checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.500E+00 [CHANGED]
checkpointfileintervalz     =                 0.180+309
derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_3           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_4           =                 0.200E+00
dr_dtmincontinue            =                 0.000E+00
dr_tstepslowstartfactor     =                 0.100E+00
dtinit                      =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
dtmax                       =                 0.100E+06
dtmin                       =                 0.100E-09
gr_amrexmg_tol              =                 0.100E-12 [CHANGED]
gr_btworkchildscaling       =                 0.100E+01
gr_btworkdefaultleaf        =                 0.200E+01
gr_btworkdefaultpar         =                 0.100E+01
gr_btworklbleaf             =                 0.000E+00
gr_btworklbpar              =                 0.000E+00
gr_btworkubleaf             =                 0.100E+07
gr_btworkubpar              =                 0.100E+07
gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase     =                 0.100E+02
gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact  =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtref        =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale   =                 0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_1            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_10           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_11           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_12           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_13           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_14           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_15           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_16           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_17           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_18           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_19           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_2            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_20           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_3            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_4            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_5            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_6            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_7            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_8            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_9            =                -0.100E+01
ht_nusselt                  =                 0.100E+01
ht_prandtl                  =                 0.800E+01 [CHANGED]
ht_tbulk                    =                 0.000E+00
ht_twall_high               =                 0.100E+01
ht_twall_low                =                 0.000E+00
ins_cfl                     =                 0.500E-01 [CHANGED]
ins_dpdx                    =                 0.000E+00
ins_dpdy                    =                 0.000E+00
ins_dpdz                    =                 0.000E+00
ins_dtspec                  =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
ins_gravx                   =                 0.000E+00
ins_gravy                   =                -0.100E+01 [CHANGED]
ins_gravz                   =                 0.000E+00
ins_invreynolds             =                 0.400E-02 [CHANGED]
ins_sigma                   =                 0.500E-01 [CHANGED]
mph_cpgas                   =                 0.800E+00 [CHANGED]
mph_stefan                  =                 0.500E+00 [CHANGED]
mph_tsat                    =                 0.200E+00 [CHANGED]
mph_ipropsmear              =                 0.100E+01
mph_invweber                =                 0.100E+01
mph_mugas                   =                 0.200E-01 [CHANGED]
mph_rhogas                  =                 0.500E-02 [CHANGED]
mph_thcogas                 =                 0.200E+00 [CHANGED]
nusts                       =                 0.100E+00
plotfileintervaltime        =                 0.100E+00 [CHANGED]
plotfileintervalz           =                 0.180+309
refine_cutoff_1             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_2             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_3             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_4             =                 0.800E+00
refine_filter_1             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_2             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_3             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_4             =                 0.100E-01
rss_limit                   =                -0.100E+01
sim_inletbuffer             =                 0.100E+01
sim_inletgrowthrate         =                 0.400E+01
sim_inletsink               =                -0.100E+01
sim_nucseedradius           =                 0.100E+00
sim_outletbuffer            =                 0.100E+00 [CHANGED]
sim_outletgrowthrate        =                 0.400E+01
sim_outletsink              =                -0.100E+01
small                       =                 0.100E-09
smalle                      =                 0.100E-09
smallp                      =                 0.100E-09
smallt                      =                 0.100E-09
smallu                      =                 0.100E-09
smallx                      =                 0.100E-09
smlrho                      =                 0.100E-09
tinitial                    =                 0.000E+00
tmax                        =                 0.100E+02 [CHANGED]
tstep_change_factor         =                 0.101E+01 [CHANGED]
wall_clock_checkpoint       =                 0.432E+05
wall_clock_time_limit       =                 0.605E+06
x_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
xmax                        =                 0.800E+01 [CHANGED]
xmin                        =                -0.800E+01 [CHANGED]
y_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
ymax                        =                 0.500E+01 [CHANGED]
ymin                        =                 0.000E+00
zfinal                      =                 0.000E+00
zinitial                    =                -0.100E+01
z_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
zmax                        =                 0.250E+01 [CHANGED]
zmin                        =                -0.250E+01 [CHANGED]
amrexinterpolator           = CELL_CONSERVATIVE_LINEAR      
basenm                      = INS_Flow_Boiling_              [CHANGED]
eosmode                     = dens_ie                       
eosmodeinit                 = dens_ie                       
geometry                    = cartesian                     
grav_boundary_type          = isolated                      
log_file                    = INS_Flow_Boiling.log           [CHANGED]
output_directory            =                               
pc_unitsbase                = CGS                           
plot_grid_var_1             = none                          
plot_grid_var_10            = none                          
plot_grid_var_11            = none                          
plot_grid_var_12            = none                          
plot_grid_var_2             = none                          
plot_grid_var_3             = none                          
plot_grid_var_4             = none                          
plot_grid_var_5             = none                          
plot_grid_var_6             = none                          
plot_grid_var_7             = none                          
plot_grid_var_8             = none                          
plot_grid_var_9             = none                          
plot_var_1                  = pres                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_10                 = none                          
plot_var_11                 = none                          
plot_var_12                 = none                          
plot_var_13                 = none                          
plot_var_14                 = none                          
plot_var_15                 = none                          
plot_var_16                 = none                          
plot_var_17                 = none                          
plot_var_18                 = none                          
plot_var_19                 = none                          
plot_var_2                  = velx                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_20                 = none                          
plot_var_21                 = none                          
plot_var_22                 = none                          
plot_var_3                  = vely                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_4                  = dfun                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_5                  = temp                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_6                  = dust                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_7                  = none                          
plot_var_8                  = none                          
plot_var_9                  = none                          
prof_file                   = profile.dat                   
refine_var_1                = none                          
refine_var_2                = none                          
refine_var_3                = none                          
refine_var_4                = none                          
run_comment                 = Flow Boiling problem           [CHANGED]
run_number                  = 1                             
sim_heatername              = flow_boiling                   [CHANGED]
stats_file                  = flash.dat                     
xl_boundary_type            = inflow_ins                     [CHANGED]
xr_boundary_type            = outflow_ins                    [CHANGED]
yl_boundary_type            = noslip_ins                     [CHANGED]
yr_boundary_type            = slip_ins                       [CHANGED]
zl_boundary_type            = slip_ins                       [CHANGED]
zr_boundary_type            = slip_ins                       [CHANGED]
allowdtstsdominate          =  F
alwayscomputeuservars       =  T
alwaysrestrictcheckpoint    =  T
chkguardcellsinput          =  F
chkguardcellsoutput         =  F
converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  F [CHANGED]
corners                     =  F
dr_printtsteploc            =  T
dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax =  F
drift_tuples                =  F
eachprocwritesownabortlog   =  F
eachprocwritessummary       =  F
earlyblockdistadjustment    =  T
enablemaskedgcfill          =  F
flux_correct                =  T
flux_correct_perlevel       =  T
geometryoverride            =  F
gr_amrexmg_agglomeration    =  T
gr_amrexmg_composite_solve  =  T [CHANGED]
gr_amrexmg_consolidation    =  T
gr_bcenableapplymixedgds    =  F [CHANGED]
gr_bndgcfillneedsprimitivevars =  T
gr_btcustomwork             =  F
gr_btexchangework           =  F
gr_btsortbywork             =  T
gr_enabletiling             =  F
gr_lrefinemaxbytime         =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr    =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime    =  F
gr_usetiling                =  F
ignoreforcedplot            =  T [CHANGED]
ins_pressurecorrect         =  F [CHANGED]
io_plotfileamrexformat      =  F
io_writemscalarintegrals    =  F
plotfilegridquantitydp      =  F
plotfilemetadatadp          =  F
reducegcellfills            =  F
refine_on_particle_count    =  F
restart                     =  F
sim_heatershowinfo          =  F
summaryoutputonly           =  F
threadblocklistbuild        =  F
threaddriverblocklist       =  F
threaddriverwithinblock     =  F
threadraytracebuild         =  F
threadwithinblockbuild      =  F
tmr_suppressinparallel      =  F
typematchedxfer             =  T
unbiased_geometry           =  F
useburn                     =  F
usecollectivehdf5           =  T
usegravity                  =  F
useheatad                   =  T
usehydro                    =  F
useimbound                  =  F
useincompns                 =  T
uselegacylabels             =  T
usemultiphase               =  T
useparticles                =  F
useradtrans                 =  F
usests                      =  F
usestsfordiffusion          =  F
writestatsummary            =  T


 WARNING: Ignored Parameters :
 These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were
 not declared in any Config file for the simulation!



 Known units of measurement:

              Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
  1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
  2                   s                     1.0000                            s
  3                   g                     1.0000                            g
  4                   K                     1.0000                            K
  5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
  6                 mol                     1.0000                          mol
  7                   m                     100.00                           cm
  8                  km                    1.00000E+05                       cm
  9                  pc                    3.08568E+18                       cm
 10                 kpc                    3.08568E+21                       cm
 11                 Mpc                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 12                 Gpc                    3.08568E+27                       cm
 13                Rsun                    6.96000E+10                       cm
 14                  AU                    1.49598E+13                       cm
 15                  yr                    3.15569E+07                        s
 16                 Myr                    3.15569E+13                        s
 17                 Gyr                    3.15569E+16                        s
 18                  kg                     1000.0                            g
 19                Msun                    1.98892E+33                        g
 20                 amu                    1.66054E-24                        g
 21                  eV                     11605.                            K
 22                   C                    2.99792E+09                      esu
 23                LFLY                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 24                TFLY                    2.05759E+17                        s
 25                MFLY                    9.88470E+45                        g
 26            clLength                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 27              clTime                    3.15569E+16                        s
 28              clMass                    1.98892E+48                        g
 29              clTemp                    1.16045E+07                        K
-----------End of Units--------------------

 Known physical constants:

    Constant Name       Constant Value   cm       s        g        K        esu      mol
  1              Newton    6.67408E-08   3.0     -2.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  2      speed of light    2.99792E+10   1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  3              Planck    6.62607E-27   2.0     -1.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  4     electron charge    4.80320E-10   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0    
  5       electron mass    9.10938E-28   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  6         proton mass    1.67262E-24   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  7      fine-structure    7.29735E-03   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  8            Avogadro    6.02214E+23   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     -1.0    
  9           Boltzmann    1.38065E-16   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0    
 10  ideal gas constant    8.31446E+07   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0     -1.0    
 11                Wien    0.28978       1.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0    
 12    Stefan-Boltzmann    5.67037E-05   0.0     -3.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 13  Radiation Constant    7.56572E-15  -1.0     -2.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 14                  pi     3.1416       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 15                   e     2.7183       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 16               Euler    0.57722       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    

 Multifluid database: not configured in

 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:38.624 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:38.624 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:38.624 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 3
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:38.624 ] [gr_amrexInit]: AMREX_GIT_VERSION=24.08
 WARNING : Adaptive Grid did not find any variable to refine
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.025 ] [gr_initNewLevelCallback] Initialized data on level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.230 ] [gr_initNewLevelCallback] GC fill: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.521 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      720.57 (min)        721.20 (max)        721.06 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.521 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      421.52 (min)        422.62 (max)        422.01 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.521 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      720.57 (min)        721.20 (max)        721.06 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.521 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      421.52 (min)        422.72 (max)        422.07 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.522 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      720.57 (min)        721.20 (max)        721.06 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.522 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      421.52 (min)        422.72 (max)        422.09 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:55.530 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_chk_0000
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:59.488 ] [io_writeData]: wrote    3200          blocks
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:59.490 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_chk_0000
 [ 09-03-2024  23:53:59.493 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.103 ] [io_writeData]: wrote    3200          blocks
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.113 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=INS_Flow_Boiling_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.113 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      728.51 (min)        775.61 (max)        738.03 (avg)
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.113 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      429.61 (min)        467.13 (max)        437.99 (avg)
 INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.318 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.319 ] [Driver_evolveAll]: Entering evolution loop
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:00.375 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.010000E-04
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:01.458 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:01.651 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:01.908 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:02.602 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:02.844 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:03.068 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:03.334 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:03.605 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:03.864 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:04.111 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:04.675 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:05.440 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:06.753 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:07.005 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:07.157 ] step: n=2 t=1.010000E-04 dt=4.150434E-05
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:08.251 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:08.441 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:08.684 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:09.375 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:09.614 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:09.851 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:10.126 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:10.388 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:10.649 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
 [ 09-03-2024  23:54:10.899 ] [Grid_fillGuardCells] GC fill/GC EoS up to level: 1
akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

you can clearly see that in your log file restart is = F this means that you are probably not using the updated parfile for restart. You may want to look into how you are deploying the simulation and what parfile are you using.

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, Thank you so much for your response. Yes, I get it. Indeed, there is not only one .par file in your 3D tutorial case. It's using the other one without updating. Thank you again. parfile

Best, Shawn

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, I may have one last question before closing this Issue. Can Flash-X read the .par file on the fly and apply the changes while running? Thank you so much.

akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, Thank you so much for your response. Yes, I get it. Indeed, there is not only one .par file in your 3D tutorial case. It's using the other one without updating. Thank you again. parfile

Best, Shawn

What parfile are you changing here? Flash-X by default use flash.par if you want to use a specific parfile you need to specific using -par_file flag.

akashdhruv commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, I may have one last question before closing this Issue. Can Flash-X read the .par file on the fly and apply the changes while running? Thank you so much.

No you cannot read parfile on the fly. Parfile values are set at the beginning.

srzhang90s commented 1 week ago

Hello Akash, I may have one last question before closing this Issue. Can Flash-X read the .par file on the fly and apply the changes while running? Thank you so much.

No you cannot read parfile on the fly. Parfile values are set at the beginning.

Sure, good to know. Thank you so much.