Flash3001 / iOSCharts.Xamarin

A Xamarin port by Lucas Teixeira for Charts (ios-charts) by Daniel Cohen Gindi, inspired by Philipp Jahoda
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Update lib to 3.0.1, compile with ENABLE_BITCODE=NO #14

Closed jamie94bc closed 8 years ago

jamie94bc commented 8 years ago

The issue to which this PR originally relates (#13) has since been fixed, but I this PR also contains the updated library.

I've also updated the dependencies in the project (not required for compiling, but were previously using Xamarin.SwiftSupport.2.2).

Also 3.0.1 of the Charts lib now seems to require libswiftQuartzCore.dylib too, so I've added a dependency on Xamarin.Swift3.QuartzCore.

jamie94bc commented 8 years ago

Looks like there are a couple of things we need to add to the API definition too.