Flash3001 / iOSCharts.Xamarin

A Xamarin port by Lucas Teixeira for Charts (ios-charts) by Daniel Cohen Gindi, inspired by Philipp Jahoda
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Legend text size on a pie chart ? #21

Closed PicTrbd closed 7 years ago

PicTrbd commented 7 years ago


First, thanks for making charts compatible with Xamarin iOS.

I was looking into the doc of the original chart lib and I noticed a function "setTextSize(float size)", allowing the user to set the font size of the legend.

I tried to do so on my PieChart on iOS but I never managed to find the function which would allow me to do so. Is there one ?


Flash3001 commented 7 years ago

@Pictar where did you find this code?

Didn't try it in here, but you could try something like _chart.Legend.Font = _chart.Legend.Font.WithSize(18);


PicTrbd commented 7 years ago

Works well, thanks !