Flash3001 / iOSCharts.Xamarin

A Xamarin port by Lucas Teixeira for Charts (ios-charts) by Daniel Cohen Gindi, inspired by Philipp Jahoda
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Invalid Swift Support - The expected dylibs are missing from the app's Framework location, such as /Payload/CreditInfo.iOS.app/Frameworks #54

Open nininea1 opened 4 years ago

nininea1 commented 4 years ago

I'm using following packages :



updated xcode and vs to lates version , Xcode Version 11.4 (11E146) Xamarin.iOS Version: (Visual Studio Community)

I tired using https://github.com/Flash3001/ipa-packager but it seems doesn't work for swift 5.0, after running script I checked ipa content and SwiftSupport> SwiftSupport was empty. after this I copied libs manually from

Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift-5.0/iphoneos all filed in to .xcarchive file content .

Any idea ? I'm not able to upload project in app store :(

Flash3001 commented 4 years ago

@nininea1 what is your minimum iOS target? Is that 12.2 and above or lower?

Can you upgrade to Xamarin.Swift 1.0.4? You are using 1.0.2 and there were some bug fixes on 1.0.3 and 1.0.4. Please let me know if that fixes the issue.

Including the files on .app/Frameworks and creating the SwiftSupport folder on the IPA are 2 different steps. Running the script you mentioned will only create the SwiftSupport folder if the files already exists on .app/Frameworks - which runs during the build process.

There is an existing bug that will prevent the build process from copying the files to .app/Frameworks if you path contains white spaces - it is pending to upload a fix - can you check if that is your case?

The script you mentioned do work for Swift 5, the real problem is what you described on the tile, as .app/Frameworks doesn't have the files.

nininea1 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I missed your response somehow @Flash3001

what is your minimum iOS target? Is that 12.2 and above or lower? <<<< lower, I use 11.0

Can you upgrade to Xamarin.Swift 1.0.4? You are using 1.0.2 and there were some bug fixes on 1.0.3 and 1.0.4. Please let me know if that fixes the issue. <<<< Okay, I will let you know