Flash3388 / Flash2024

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Create Arm System #18

Open NoamZW opened 5 months ago

NoamZW commented 5 months ago

The Arm system is designed to set to a ceratin angle in order to shoot from different distances. Thus, in the constructor, we'll get an angle(starting anle)-make sure to update it in the initialize. In a addition, we'll be using;

It should contain 1 Action ; SetAngle The action will get an angle we want the arm to get to, and use PID in order to get to it.

For any questions, you're more than welcome to write any of us- @tomtzook @Maayan-Luzon @NoamZW

Once you've finished, commit and push, and update me(whatapp).

Good luck

Maayan-Luzon commented 5 months ago

Some fixes and updates: