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WPILib Trajectory Following Integration + Learning #2

Open tomtzook opened 6 months ago

tomtzook commented 6 months ago

Learn how to use WPILib's Trajectory Following components. Integrate with Actions from FlashLib

Maayan-Luzon commented 6 months ago

I have read this page [https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/advanced-controls/trajectories/trajectory-generation.html] and implemented an example of this in the code. This days I am learning about 'Trajectory Constraints' https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/docs/software/advanced-controls/trajectories/constraints.html . I am trying to understand the use of the different possibilities it has. By now I more or less understood the 'SwerveDriveKinematicsConstraint'.

tomtzook commented 6 months ago

So @guyws started working on it once, don't know if it works here's the code

Maayan-Luzon commented 6 months ago

I know about the code. I skimmed over it. After reading some info at wpiDoc, I understand part of what he did.

tomtzook commented 5 months ago

Taking a slight pause, #1 will probably bear fruition soon, so we might stop working on this issue.