FlashpointProject / Flashpoint-Router

Serves scripts, local files, and files from the internet to Flashpoint Infinity.
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MAD4FP does not download files on rare occasions, but shows them anyway #7

Open NightHnh099 opened 2 years ago

NightHnh099 commented 2 years ago

I've had this issue with MAD4FP at least a couple times this year, and maybe last year as well. I'm using MAD4FP for some curation, and when I check the curation files, little to none of the files it "downloaded" were actually in the content folder and I have to do it again. It happens rarely and all of the times it happens, MAD4FP continues to work fine after.

The logs always show that the file has been downloaded and don't show any errors relating to it.

I asked about this a few times and a response I got was that maybe it was downloading it to other curation folders. Since it happened to me again today, I checked and found that it did not download them to any other curation. The files don't seem to have downloaded at all, despite being shown to have been downloaded, and the game working normally because of the "downloaded" files. Once the page is loaded up again (without MAD4FP), it begins showing dozens of 404 errors due to the files not actually being there.

Weirdly, in the instance today, it actually downloaded quite a bit of files before it stopped (but continued to log files as being "downloaded").

launcher log partial.txt above is a txt file containing the two times (I can remember) it happened, one today and one a few months ago.

tomysshadow commented 1 year ago

This log does not seem to indicate any error. The only thing out of the ordinary is that the URL at https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/ipix is not downloaded, but that is because there is nothing at that URL (it also checks for an index.htm/index.html by default but those don't exist either.) All other downloads are reported as successful, and they must actually be saving to a file as there would be specific logs to report the file is locked otherwise.

I suspect that it is not actually the router at fault and that some other component of Flashpoint is erroneously deleting the files after they are downloaded, though precisely what I am uncertain.

NightHnh099 commented 1 year ago

Actually, for the mission impossible/paramount urls, I checked the folder while the game was running expecting hundreds of images, and found absolutely nothing

If I remember correctly, the folder that was supposed to have the images wasn't on my computer at that time either.