Flask-Tenants / flask-tenants

Multitenancy solution using Flask, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL. Please join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/3AV2GkcB2Q.
MIT License
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There is a caching issue that presents itself during post creation in the demo app. #28

Closed therealwokewok closed 2 weeks ago

therealwokewok commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Starting with a clean, post-migration database, run the following requests:





  2. Check the database manually and observe that tenant1 has no posts:


  3. Observe that tenant2 has both posts:


savchenko commented 2 weeks ago

Out of sheer curiosity, which GUIs are on the screenshots?

therealwokewok commented 2 weeks ago

@savchenko These are screenshots from the Postman file provided in the demo_app. The final database screenshot is from an application called DBeaver.

Here is a link to the Postman JSON in the demo_app repo: https://github.com/Flask-Tenants/demo_app/tree/main/documentation