Flat-Badger-1971 / ArchiveHelper

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Version 1.1.2 testing (1st april) : all ok #13

Closed Stemuweb closed 5 months ago

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago


Fabled : ok
Flame-shaper : not detected (boss fight against The Warrior)
Gw :  ok
Shards (cycle 5) : ok
Marauder : ok
Echoing den : ok
Filer's wing (duo) : ok
Manual mark/unmark : ok
Verse/vision choice : ok (but it's possible to enter the archive and not reset the avatar stack counts, messing the displays)


No language-specific bug
Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

In German:

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

In French:

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

If needed, to detect the fabled-like enemy during boss fights, these strings should be added:

-- English L(AH .. "FLAMESHAPER", "Flame-Shaper")

-- Deutsch L(AH .. "FLAMESHAPER", "Flammenformer")

-- French L(AH .. "FLAMESHAPER", "Façonne-feu")

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

When marking/unmarking the current target via manual keybind. Language EN.

user:/AddOns/LibDataShare/LibDataShare.lua:110: operator < is not supported for number < string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibDataShare/LibDataShare.lua:110: in function 'lib:EncodeData'
    <Locals> self = [table:1]{version = 3}, mapId = 28, data = "m1", map = [table:2]{step = 1.3313866020326e-05, x1 = -2.228045463562, y0 = 1.345197558403, size = 75109, y1 = 1.845979809761, x0 = -2.7288279533386} </Locals>
user:/AddOns/LibDataShare/LibDataShare.lua:46: in function 'MapHandler:QueueData'
    <Locals> self = [table:3]{mapId = 28, owner = "ArchiveHelper"}, data = "m1", t = 1984072 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/ArchiveHelper/misc/markers.lua:163: in function 'AH.MarkCurrentTarget'
    <Locals> marker = 1, key = 1, marked = "m1" </Locals>
:1: in function '(main chunk)'
    <Locals> keybind = "ARCHIVEHELPER_MARK_CURRENT_TAR..." </Locals>

After looking a bit in LibDataShare, if I'm not mistaken, it seems only an integer can be communicated. Rather that passing a string beginning by a letter, you could define a list of commands as constants:

If the data (number of tomes, marker index) is limited to the range 0-7 (3 bits), you can build your message like this : (command * 8) + data

It would be better to have a function in events.lua, with inputs (command, data) that would build the message and call AH.Share:QueueData

AH.HandleDataShare just need to be rewrote to decode the integer and retrieve the command and data values and do the proper actions.

data = message % 8
command = message / 8
Flat-Badger-1971 commented 5 months ago

Nice! Reminds me of my 8 bit days with bit masks.

I've just added the code but not had time to test yet.

Flat-Badger-1971 commented 5 months ago

Ah - I don't play with the music on, so I've never noticed. I don't really want to use the Marauder sound if I can help it as I'd prefer to keep sounds unique.

Also, could you please not edit the main branch directly, but use PRs instead? It's causing merge conflicts when I want to push changes myself. Thanks.

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

Ah - I don't play with the music on, so I've never noticed. I don't really want to use the Marauder sound if I can help it as I'd prefer to keep sounds unique.

No problem.

Also, could you please not edit the main branch directly, but use PRs instead? It's causing merge conflicts when I want to push changes myself. Thanks.

Sure! I had a bit of a struggle the first time because github told me when trying to get the last modification from main branch into the branch I was working on, what it would do commits also in the main branch, so I was afraid to do PR. I won't touch the main branch directly again.