Flat-Badger-1971 / ArchiveHelper

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Feature suggestion: say in chat your chosen bonus (as a reminder of your last choices, or to inform your partner in play) #15

Closed Stemuweb closed 5 months ago

Stemuweb commented 5 months ago

Another thing I'd have liked to have had from time to time: the ability to say in the chat (say, yell or zone chat? I don't know if the addons have this kind of permission) the verse or vision I've just selected.

That way, as a duo, you can find out if the enemies are going to pose such and such a zone when they die, or if your partner has taken a type of bonus that allows extra actions (fire orb...) without having to explain it vocally.

This would also allow you to select a bonus that is complementary to the other player's bonus, or not to choose the same bonus as the other player when they are redundant.

I'm suggesting this because I think it would be an easy addition to implement. But I don't know if it's technically possible, I don't remember ever seeing addons being able to write directly in chat. Sorry if it's not feasible. My lack of technical knowledge shows.

In terms of implementation, I'd imagine a new setting:

Say in chat when you pick up a new verse/vision: yes/no

When the player selects a new bonus (I think it's possible for you to know because you get the info to increment avatar set stacks), the addon would display:

"I've chosen verse [x]"


"I've chosen vision [x]".

I wouldn't limit it to duo mode, because sometimes it's useful to have a reminder in the log of your last bonuses, so that you don't have to reopen the popup with the B key and move the mouse over the bonuses to review their description.

That's it. Just to give you a new idea of a possible feature, in the hope that it's easy to implement and technically possible (otherwise, you'd have to share it via datashare and that would immediately be more work).

Flat-Badger-1971 commented 5 months ago
