Flat-Badger-1971 / ArchiveHelper

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Minor bug in Gw's sound triggering #34

Closed Stemuweb closed 4 months ago

Stemuweb commented 4 months ago


Expected: player B must hear the sound, regardless of A's setting.

The data should be shared by A anyway, when Gw is marked. Player B can then decide whether to play the alert or not.


I think that the AH.Vars.GwPlay test should only condition the call to PlayAlarm().

Also, a small detail related to the topic:

L(AH .. "GW_PLAY", "Play warning when Gw appears")

The word "appears" could confuse some players. Not knowing the intricacies of the API, they might think that the add-on is capable of detecting the Pilferer as effectively as the Marauders, and will probably complain in the comments that it is sometimes not detected immediately.

I'd suggest a change. For example:

Play warning when Gw is marked / when marking Gw

And in french:

Jouer un son quand Gw est marqué

Edit: I hope it doesn't bother too much the german translator!

Flat-Badger-1971 commented 4 months ago

Yep - correct on both counts - I'll get that into the next push